Monday, April 13, 2020

Remember This. Mark It Down 4/13/2020

Good Morning,

The weather in this part of the world does not resemble spring at all today. It has a bite in the wind and is cold and damp. If I didn't know better I would swear it was late November. My cup of Door County Smores' Coffee is doing the trick to warm me up right now.

Psalm 71:9 Do not cast me off in the time of old age, forsake me not when my strength is spent..

We have an assisted living home in our neighborhood. I have written about it before, but today has the home for the elderly wrapped in a new message.  Yesterday being Easter Sunday I wasn't surprised to see the home empty of visitors. This covid 19 virus has everyone restricted from visiting  and basically from traveling around except for necessities and work. Normally, holidays bring out many visitors to the home to spend time with their loved one who lives there.

I was outside watching our two dogs run and play and I could see one of the ladies inside of the home looking out of the window. I waved and she waved back. She was watching our two furry clowns playing and chasing birds.

I hear of people who are really struggling right now being restricted to their homes and I know that the struggle is real. But I want us all to remember this and never forget this time of pestilence and strife. Remember what it was like to be restricted to your home. At least many of us can go outside. So when this ends some day, let us all recall what it was like to not be able to visit with our friends and families as we pleased. Those folks inside the assisted living home just wait for visitors to bring some new part of the world to them.

Let's not wait for holidays or weekends to visit. Because of age or disabilities these folks have to live there. They can't come and go at will. They wait on us to visit, but are often the last thing on the list to accomplish on a busy holiday weekend. They live this covid type life 365 days a year. Most couldn't do a ZOOM meeting if their life depended on it.

Let's never forget this lesson world. Never forget it. Visit while you can and visit often.
