Monday, April 6, 2020

Don't Lose Your Dignity 4/6/2020

Good Morning,

Today a cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee graced my mug with it's presence this morning. It's like an old friend coming for a visit.

Matthew 7:12 Whatsoever you wish others would do for you, do unto them. 

I want to discuss something which I believe the Covid 19 virus is taking from people and it is a painful experience to watch. The virus has stolen a few things from us. It is stealing our health. It has robbed us of our ability to move about as we please. It has stolen lives in the wake of it's march through the world. This thing shows no partiality to race, gender, age or nationality.

The loss of our dignity and respect for others is under fire from this same disease right now. I see people defying the order to not gather in groups or to practice social distancing. People have hoarded much needed supplies who others could use immediately.

I call this a secondary impact to the virus "A Loss Of Your Dignity".  This was the last thing I thought I would witness. Most people are cooperating and are hunkering down at home and enduring the inconveniences of being safe and cooperating with our authorities. A by product of losing our dignity is showing a lack of respect for others by placing them in danger when we don't stay home. Some stores are remaining open for essentials and for emergencies. Yet some people are running out to buy paint so they can accomplish something while being off of work. Really people? You have lost your dignity and show no respect for those serving others in emergent situations.

When this is over, will you be able to say with pride, that you cooperated  and did all you could to save others? Or will you hide because of your loss of dignity that killed your respect for others?

It's not too late to make a positive difference. Don't lose your dignity.



  1. I feel a sadness for those who have nothing to hold on to except to keep busy, accomplishing something. When this all started, in a bible study at a local church, one of the fellows commented how in a way this was refreshing. We now have life slowed down as it was when we were young, we don't have to be somewhere most every minute, we can now spend some quality time with our Redeemer Jesus Christ. Do you think He may be trying to get our attention?

    1. Given what we are studying this week, I would venture a guess that we are seeing His wrath on the world. Sex traffic all throughout the world. Abortion and murder daily. Yet the world is appalled that a virus is wiping out people.
