Sunday, April 5, 2020

On The Street Where We Live. 4/5/2020

Good Morning,

It is still a few hours before dawn as I write to you today. Later as I end my fast from coffee I will enjoy a cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee with some freshly baked cherry bread.

Matthew 11;28-30 Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. 

Our neighborhood is pretty much like every rural setting is. We are purely residential in the make up of properties in the subdivision with a couple of businesses a block or two away on the East /West road that runs the length of our town. But it is pretty much a quiet rural setting. Yesterday's weather afforded me the luxury of being able to spend a good amount of time outside.

So I paid attention to the goings on in the neighborhood. With this virus going around I wasn't sure what I would witness. My view was limited due to my quarantine status. So I watched as my little portion of the world went by. Some of my neighbors were inside their garages performing car repairs. Many were taking advantage of the weather by walking their dogs, or getting a little exercise by jogging. Some of the kids were riding their bicycles or playing basketball. Some were engrossed in lawn maintenance . I was slowly splitting some firewood for winter and for a bonfire tonight. My thoughts during my time went to praying for those I saw whether I knew them or not. It was a good day for prayer.

As I was sweeping up my mess and contemplating going inside to give our dogs a bath. I forgot to mention that our two furry house partners were outside with me all day. But the youngest one found his way to the muddy creek behind our house and came back when I whistled. I wasn't surprised to see him covered in creek silt and muck. But so goes the life of a curious puppy and his owner.

But something just wasn't right with the day. I put my finger on it later. Everyone who passed by was friendly and said hello or waved, I expected traffic to be lighter and it was due to the Covid19 stay at home rules. But that wasn't it. What I noticed was that some of my brief conversations from a distance of 6 feet or more wee all seasoned with some talk of the virus. It was a common thread and I kind of expected it. The virus has not only robbed many people of their health, but it has occupied our minds to the point that it is there 24/7. This is to be expected and is probably a normal response.

I decided that I would skip the evening news last night and make calls or send emails to some folks from our church. Of course or discussion turned to the virus as we prayed together via the telephone.

My question to myself was "how can I escape this virus mania for a little while?" I prayed and the answer came. This virus will occupy our minds. It is a natural response to calamity. I noticed that while working and praying, even my prayers for the neighbors rarely included the virus. I prayed for the one neighbor boy who would love to be playing baseball right now, but can't. I found myself praying for his football team and his safety on the field.

Time spent with God and in prayer is sweeter than any worries I have. It is more appealing than focusing in on something evil like this plague we have. Yes, later I prayed for the virus laden people and our economy. But my time alone watching the neighborhood and reciting Scripture in my mind was special and in the presence of God, my worries weren't there.

Later while reading Scripture and thinking about what I would write today, my mind focused on God and more time with Him. You see Dear Friends.  God is light to the world. When a light enters into a dark room the darkness cannot overpower it. Light always overcomes the dark. You cannot make it darker and overcome the light. The light will continue to shine.

My point is this. You can decide right now how you will spend the day. Will you carve out some time to relax your brain and heart by renewing your relationship with God? He alone can brighten the darkest day. And He alone can calm the storms of the mind and heart. Take a break from the virus. Only God can fill a heart and mind right now with Himself. Let the Light of the world in today and let Him chase the darkness away.

Have blessed day,



  1. Marty, I am blessed to see your blog up early this morning. My day starts with prayer and bible reading, plus some devotionals and your blog. Today is more normal having the blog posted during my quiet time with the LORD. May God lay His hand on you and restore you to full health.

    1. Sorry Ray. Haven't been doing well in the mornings. I was still awake at 2:30 AM I will try to do better in the coming days. God willing.

  2. Thank you for always pointing us to be renewed in Christ! Praying for you!

  3. Marty, Please don't apologise for being ill, it is just a blessing to have this all together in the morning. If not I catch it later.
    God bless you
