Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Sometimes You Can't Help But Laugh 4/7/2020

Good Morning,

The old coffee maker is spewing out some Door County Inn Keepers Blend Coffee. I am looking forward to that first cup and a breakfast of cereal.

Wikipedia Photo

There are times when I think that my wife Rene and I could be "wanna be" comedians. At least once a day we find something to laugh about. Most of you who know Rene assume she is quiet all the time, reserved, and a deep thinker. I will give her the deep thinker attribute. But as far as reserved and quiet all the time, well that's a different story. Most of you who know her can never tell if she is speaking to you in lines from a movie. She has memorized lines from many movies. She does a pretty good Walter Brennan imitation.

Psalm 103:2 Bless the Lord , O my soul, and forget not all His benefits. 

Not too many nights ago right after I was told to quarantine myself I announced to her that I was going upstairs to get something. She put her surgical mask on. I put on clean gloves and a mask for myself.  I went upstairs. I had been sharpening knives for about three hours to kill the boredom. Rene asked me if I was retrieving more knives to sharpen. She has no clue that the knives that are locked in a vault never get dull, because they never get used. I grabbed my old cowboy hat, my holster and a six shooter from my gun vault. The gun is always unloaded so no foolishness is at the end of this story. I was wearing some old gym shorts and a yellow tank top. Barefoot, holster and hat on, I descended the stairs spinning my pistol like a gunfighter. "What are you doing?" came the cry from across the house. I replied that I was watching an old Western movie and John Wayne was going to need some help soon. I went back to my room and proceeded to make shooting noises. The masked Bandito showed up peeking into the room. Rene said, "Hey Marshal Dillon" don't shoot the television or your own foot." She was laughing so hard she had tears in her eyes. Later I called out to her that I was going to go to sleep and I said "good night and I love you." I could hear her singing and her voice was getting closer. Rene was singing the farewell good night song from the Sound of Music. She sang every part. As she moved away my personal Julie Andrews sang one last GOOOD NIIIIGHT. Now I was laughing which started me coughing which is not what I need at this time. But it felt good to know that I have that gem of a lady here to support me and partner with me through this virus mess.

She brought me some cough drops and said "see you in the morning. Make sure you put your toys away" So last night I started to journal like I always do and I thanked the Lord for all my blessings, especially my " Comic Relief"

If this crisis starts to get to you and you have some extra time, write down your blessings and thank God for them. I found that as I counted blessings, they overwhelmed the bad stuff of life.

Have a great day.



  1. Good morning and "Hats Off" to you both.
    God bless each of you and His gift of life this morning.

    1. Good to hear from you Gary. I just prayed for you both.
