Saturday, April 25, 2020

Lots Of Changes 4/25/2020

Good Morning,

The day began a little while ago for me and I was glad to be able to welcome it in with a big cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee and some prayer.

I guess I will be redundant and say we sure are going through a lot of changes right now. The world went from booming economies to a virtual stand still. Gasoline is less expensive to purchase than milk. People are restricted to their homes and wearing a mask is now fashionable. Toilet paper is a hot commodity at this time. Many people do not have to battle rush hour anymore because they work from home and in all reality there isn't as much traffic out there. Bars have a new closing time for now and for the future won't probably be the place to meet someone and pick up a date. Churches, usually a place of refuge are closed and virtual services are the norm. Suicide is on the rise and worry has taken the place of a more care free environment.

I can speak for most people and change is never really all that popular and the phrase "those were the good old days" is very commonly heard now. People are looking for some type of stability and for things that haven't changed.

I offer one unchangeable thing that never changes and should be the One we turn to. My friends, God never changes. His love cannot be muted or even measured. He is the one constant that we have and should  be our stability during steady times, turmoil and times of instability.

Hebrews 13:8  Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and yesterday and forever.

Malachi 3:6 For I the Lord do not change, therefore you, O children you are not consumed.

Psalm 102:27  But you are the same and your years have no end.

Isaiah 49:15-16  Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will never forget you!
See, I have carved you on the palm of my hand. Your walls are always before me.

So today friends, as the world spins to a new tune and it's hard to feel like you can be heard or thought of. Turn to the One who never changes.


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