Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Peeling An Onion 4/28/2020

Good Morning,

Morning has arrived and for me sleep hasn't visited yet. I will have a cup of Door County Coconut Cupcakes Coffee later in this morning.

John 7:24 Do not judge by appearances, but judge by right judgement and with a clear view. 

I know my way around the kitchen pretty well and would consider myself to be above average when it comes to preparing a meal. From breakfasts, to lunches and an evening dinner I have many recipes that I like to use for many occasions. A lot of the dishes I prepare call for onions as one of the ingredients. I have yet to find an onion that will peel itself so the chore needs to be done if I want the dish to be all that it can be. So in peeling a thousand or more onions in my days here on Earth, I made a discovery for myself and probably am the only one who cares about it. When you start to peel the onion the first layer you remove is the outside protective skin that really does not look like the fruit of an onion. You have to peel it away to get to the next layer. Once you have arrived at the next layer you discover that an onion has many layers to it and to get to the next layer you have to peel another one away. An onion has many layers to it. Pretty outstanding thought here!!

When we first look at an onion after it has been removed from the ground, what we see is rough and dirty and one could assume not worth much. Once that first layer is peeled away we discover more about the onion and we see it's potential to be used.

Friends all of this babble is to teach us this lesson. Our first impression of a person doesn't always reveal what is on the inside. At first appearance we might assume someone is rough and gruff, instead we find out that the person is shy and very quiet. It takes time to get to know a person and peel away the layers of  very complex personalities. Believe it or not, you might think that you are very simple to understand and get to know, but in reality we are all very complex and we don't let many people into the inner sanctums of our thoughts and personal lives.

So we don't invest the time to get to know someone and we run off with the first impression as the lasting one. People are worth more than an onion and we should get to know a person before we label them with our first impression of them. I would like to say that we owe it to the person to gain knowledge of them before we judge and make assumptions. But I really want to say that we owe it to ourselves to peel back some of the layers of a person so that we might meet a friend that we would never have had if we went with our first impression.

Food for thought.


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