Thursday, April 30, 2020

Not In The Plans 4/29/20

Good Evening,

My day started a long time ago and I didn't get a chance to even brew a cup of Door County Coffee today.

My day took me on quite a journey. I have been dealing with some health issues lately and as things would go I am writing  to you from the hospital.

I returned to the hospital that  retired from back in September. Now I am the patient where I worked.

I would call today's experience a "homecoming" of sorts. I was met wth smiles, compassion and professionalism. If you have to be hospitalized  it's  nice to know your surroundings.

So I will try to write tomorrow and hopefully be on the mend.

Philippians  1:3 I thank God with joy everytime I remember  you

I just finished pray that God would bless and keep all of you under His loving care.
