Thursday, April 9, 2020

Thursday Before Easter 4/9/2020

Good Morning,

I was just drinking a hot cup of Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee and praying for all those who will read this today. It's time to write.

John 14:31 But I do as the Father has commanded me, so that the world may know that I love the Father. 

As a young boy most of my heroes were sports figures. I recall going to watch a Milwaukee Braves Game and just hoping that my favorite player would be playing that day and that I would get to see him. Henry Aaron played right field for the Braves and was known as "Hammerin Hank". Eventually Mr. Aaron went on to break Babe Ruth's home run record. That night at the game I had a seat in right field and Mr. Aaron came out I was yelling and waving at him and he waved back at me. He looked me right in the eye and waved. I will never forget what he did. I was at the last time he appeared at the Old Milwaukee County Stadium before it was torn down. Same spot and same guy yelling and waving at Mr. Aaron and believe it r not, we made eye contact and he waved. He to me was a true hero. To me there are other heroes in my life.......

But as we approach Easter my thoughts turn to my real Hero. Jesus endured the full wrath of God for our sins. God the Father held nothing back in His hatred for sin. Jesus the man took it all. He stepped up out of love for the Father and a love for a lost world. He stepped to the plate took one swing and hit the Grand Slam of my life and yours. So today when you can, take some time to say thank you to the One who died for us.

God bless,



  1. Yes, the Grand Slam of our lives by the Almighty GOD, Going!!!!,Going!!!!!,GONE!!!!!, is eternal punishment for the believer in our LORD JESUS CHRIST.

  2. So well stated. Jesus is our Hero. He could have stopped His suffering at any moment but instead sacrificed Himself out of His love for us. He is worthy of our praise and love.
