Thursday, April 16, 2020

Bring Out The Bear 4/16/2020

Good Morning,

Thursday arrived right on time and I can see a glimpse of Friday in my glasses. My cup of Door County Churro Coffee is brewing in the kitchen and I feel the need to retrieve it.

1 Peter 4:8 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins.

I will tell you something I learned many years ago. If you ever want to see a mom go over the edge crazy, just mess with one of her family. Whether or not it would be one of the kids or her husband, mess with one of them and you just poked the bear. I have seen my wife take some verbal abuse over the years and it just rolls off of her. But let something happen to me, our daughter or grandson and her gloves come off and it can get ugly. I feel sorry for those who cross the path of Mamma Bear.

She has declared war on the is covid 19 virus. The house get's cleaned, re-cleaned, and then stared at with that death look of "I just dare you to get dusty". Her energy level has increased and there isn't a thing that she believes she can't do. I believe that men also possess this quality, and they would fight to the death for their families.

What gets a woman to go hours and hours on end for her family? I believe it is love. I believe that love in action draws on energy reserves  that we don't realize are even there. Kids have you ever wondered how mom can stay up late and repair clothing even when they do not feel good? It's so you look good and no one can say anything about your clothes and make you feel bad.

Have you ever watched a mom cuddle you when your heart is broken while she plots revenge in her head ? She is thinking about turning Dad loose at Cabelas for ammunition that mames. Yet she remains composed and gives you good guidance showing control. That is love for you.

So friends give Mom a hug today and say "Thanks Bear" Regardless of what you think she has been there for you and will be again in a pinch.


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