Saturday, January 18, 2020

You Just Have To Ask The Question 1/18/2020

Good Morning,

It won't be long until I am outside moving a heavy blanket of snow from our driveway and the neighbor's. So while I am still dry and awake I will enjoy my cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee and write.

There comes a time when we all screw up, someway, somehow, and we offend someone. Maybe you just checked out on me right here because you are perfect and never offend anyone. Maybe you are never late or forget to attend something or you control your mouth perfectly as you meet every deadline. Maybe you have never been tempted to do something wrong and then did it. Well, read this anyway and pass it on to someone who has offended you.

We all know how to say these three little words. "I am sorry." Those three words spew forth from our cake traps (mouths) too easily and really show a lack of sincerity. When apologizing for harming or doing wrong to another person the first step is to start with God. When we go down a wrong path and offend someone we also offend Him with our sin. Go to God, confess the wrong with a sincere heart ask to be forgiven. He is just and faithful and will forgive a sincere heart.

1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 

The next step if at all possible is to go to the person and  and say you are sorry, but add this phrase "Can you forgive me please? " Now we all know that we might not receive the forgiveness we seek and in many instances only time will tell. I would recommend that whatever we did is presented with a plan of correction before we ask to be forgiven. The plan should have some type of accountability to make sure it doesn't happen again. The proof is "in the pudding" . Pudding is just muddy milk until it sets for awhile. Apologies are often accepted but proof of change and a rebuilding of trust takes some time. But the question " would you , could you, can you, forgive me please? needs to be asked, You might not get the answer you desire, so the next step it to accept it, go home and pray for the person or persons to have a change of heart. This now is an issue between God and them. Your actions brought them to sin now so the least you can do is to sincerely pray for them, stay clean of your own wrong doings and walk with God.

Stop handing out the cheap "I am sorry" statements and learn to sincerely apologize. It is a sign of spiritual growth and maturity.

This was kind of long for a Saturday but I don't feel the need to apologize!

God bless,


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