Sunday, January 19, 2020

Weed Protection 1/19/2020

Good Morning,

I just poured a cup of Door County Spicy Nutcracker Coffee for myself. The last half hour was spent outside with our dogs. It is pretty cold here today. While watching the dogs run and play the wind was blowing right up the back of my coat. Needless to say that once I was inside a "small easy fire" was lit in the fireplace. All is warm and content now in this house. It is time to write.

I for one am enjoying the cold weather. I like wearing warm clothes, drinking hot chocolate or coffee, eating soup, and a hot fireplace. But now and then I find myself letting my mind wander into spring. Yesterday while doing a few things in our garage I spied the bag of weed protection and fertilizer stacked in the corner. It reminded me that I need to apply it first thing right after it starts to warm up around here. Having it in the garage and not applying it doesn't make any sense at all. The weeds will start to grow and then take hold and spread. Very soon I will have a mess that will be a battle to fix.

Hosea 10:12  Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your  fallow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord. 

Friends, the Holy Spirit is here to point out the dangers and sin in our lives. God made sure the Holy Spirit to us to lead us to all truth. Now the Holy Spirit can point out all the right ways and illuminate the wrong steps and flash warnings all over the place. But unless we apply the wisdom of His work to our lives in the gardens of our hearts and minds, they can soon be choked off from the truth and lead us astray.

If we have a consistent walk with God that includes time in His word, prayer, and obedience we have applied weed prevention. Once the Holy Spirit points out weed growth in our lives, we need to apply weed killer. The weed killer is repentance, more time in the Word of God, more prayer and some form of accountability, so the weeds don't return.

I know it is winter right now and fresh vegetables aren't in focus yet.  But how is the garden of your heart and mind. Do some weeds need to be killed? Are you preventing weed growth? Those weeds creep in slowly but grow so fast that before you know it they kill off a lot of heart and mind, Once that happens the heart becomes like hardened ground that hasn't been tilled or fed.  Useless and barren except for the weeds.

Friends, tend to your gardens.

God bless,


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