Sunday, January 12, 2020

The Thief Comes To Steal. 1/12/2020

Good Morning,

We ended up with just a small snow storm last night. It won't take too much to clean it up. But I will wait for daylight to get this chore done. It will also let my wife and our neighbors enjoy some much needed sleep. The snow blower isn't exactly quiet! I am truly appreciating this hot cup of Door County Maple Coffee sitting next to me. It is time to write.

John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the fullest. 

Rene and I have a burglar alarm system that also is connected to our smoke alarms. It is also interfaced to a portable button that you can attach to your clothes for instant help. We have this button for Rene who has diabetes. She wears this button when I am out of town and has the ability to signal that she needs help. First Responders are called for her aid.

All of this is well and good. But we still have the responsibility to turn the system on when we leave or go to bed at night. Except for the fire alarms being active 24/7 we have to activate the system for burglars and illness emergencies. Then it monitors the house in many ways and from many angles. It would be foolish on our part to pay for this service and not use it.

It was a long time ago that we agreed to install a system like this and use it. I recall our conversation when we made the decision to go down the burglar alarm road. We both agreed that anyone coming into our home uninvited was coming to cause harm, destroy, and steal. They weren't coming in for coffee and a piece of pie. Our two dogs are also furry alarms and the one can be aggressive when he feels the need to protect the house or us. I make sure those two are fed and happy.

Friends the point I am making today is this. We all have access to a Spiritual alarm system that can keep the old Devil out of the house.  It is our Bible. When we are in the Word daily, we are reminded that Satan is out there seeking to destroy families. He sneaks in when we let our guard down. This happens when we become selfish, lazy, and forget his purpose. It doesn't take much of an opening for Satan to enter in. Our mouths when left unfiltered open the door to anger, and filth. Satan sees the alarm system is being turned off and comes right in. When a family is argumentative with each other he sees that the alarm covering the peace of a family is turned off and then he arrives and agitates the situation.  Our Bibles remind us to love one another, fear God, love the Lord and stay away from the sins that we hang on to.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you peace and hope.

Our Bibles and time in them keep us on the right track of life. Once you realize that love, life and family are fragile like antique dishes you want to take action to protect them. When you don't you are telling God that you really don't care about the family, friends, and possessions He has given you, You tell God that you really don't love and respect Him either as He only has good plans for you. In your selfish disobedience you choose the path of destruction and open the door to the thief. You don't care about God's plans.

Get on it people. The thief comes only to destroy and you leave the window open.


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