Friday, January 3, 2020

New Glasses Same Picture 1/3/2020

Good Morning,

The morning slipped in on me right in the middle of the best sleep I have had in a week. I tried extending the rest period but the morning had a grip on me like a locking pliers. It was time to get up and get moving. I could hear and smell the Door County Spicy Nutcracker Coffee brewing in the kitchen. In all honesty that aroma is the best alarm clock around.

Today I will pick up me new eye glasses as well as new sunglasses. It will be a year in March that my eyesight started acting up in the right eye. Surgery and plenty of other procedures dotted my calendar in 2019. It was a long road to recovery. God was with me through every step and provided support for me through my family, friends, and my employer.

So today the cloudiness of sight will be gone and the vision should be normal when I place the glasses on my face. I am looking forward to it. Yet it just seems futile to put new glasses on an antique face.

But what will be the first thing I see. I would guess it will be a vision chart of some type or the technician fitting my glasses to my face. I will walk out of the vision emporium and even be happy to see the road construction signs clearly with both eyes.

But there will be some things that I will see that I won't be happy to embrace. The news from the Middle East is not good. Once again we are on the brink of war.  The first homicide of 2020 in our area of the world was a small baby.  The politicians will be back at each others throats and doing nothing but arguing. I would advise anyone considering politics as a career who has strong morals, a will to help people and a backbone of honesty to go find another career. The snake pit of politics will suck you in and ruin you for life. Australia is burning out of control with wild fires. The world cannot stop it's bickering long enough to rally and save that beautiful land. When was Australia part of your prayers or your prayer team?  Well it's time for the new glasses to be picked up today.

Philippians 2:3 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others as more significant than yourself. 

1 Corinthians 10:24  Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor.

How am I going to change my vision of the world?  The world just keeps spinning faster and there is nothing I can do to stop it. However to keep my chin up and my sanity within reach I am going to seriously look for more good in the world, pray more for the bad things to cease and live my day for others. In order to see the good and not focus on the bad, I have to look and watch for God at work in and through others. This plan is a good one and it will work. I hope that I am man enough to follow through and also lead others to see the good, pray against the bad and live for others.

Pray on friends. Pray on.


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