Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Day After 1/2/2020

Good Morning,

I am staring at a cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee to the right of me and the sun is pouring through the window in our den. I think I need to do more than stare at the cup. It is time to write.

I stepped away from writing for 48 hours to rest and contemplate the year 2019. For us it was a year that was filled with changes. My wife Rene retired and soon there after I joined her in retirement. I lost the vision in my right eye for months and It is now finally good enough for me to pick up some glasses to assist with my reading. We found that retirement doesn't work for me and I returned to the work force in December.  We were blessed to make a trip to Hawaii in August and it was one we will never forget. What a great time it was. 

Then my thoughts turned the world. 2019 was filled with shootings, stabbings, wild fires, tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, wars, political unrest, marriages splitting in two, as well as a pain medications being the drug of choice and their addictive problems that led to many deaths.

Then I watched 2020 come in and there were shootings to welcome the year, war, wild fires, and and other atrocities were in the news.. Nothing has changed from one year to the next. I decided that evil is evil and it is going to keep trying to hold the Earth in it's hands until Jesus comes back again and sets this world straight.  He will and that can be counted on. So for us two, we will look for the beauty in this world. We will try to avoid evil and it's attached calamities and hold to the promise that this world is not our home. We are traveling through. Out goal is to make life better for those we encounter if we can.

Philippians 3:20 But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.  

That is and will be our only resolution for the year.



  1. Marty, Glad to see you back, I was getting concerned. You don't often take time off, but maybe you should take more.

    1. Just needed some time to focus on a few things Ray. That new study takes a lot of work to prepare for.
