Friday, January 17, 2020

Heart To Heart You Are Loved 1/17/2020

Good Morning,

As I sit in our den waiting for the Door County Highlander Coffee to finish brewing I took the time to pray and now it is time to write.

1 Corinthians 10:31  So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

A very nice lady commented on my blog  a day ago and said that it touched her heart and asked if I minded if she shared it with someone else. Let me explain the purpose of this blog and why it is written. A long time ago this started as an idea within our church that all of our elders would take a week and write a thought for the day. Every week we would rotate bloggers. I started us off and within weeks the wheels came off of the blog bus and there wasn't much interest in continuing. To honor the lady who came up with the idea I continued and it became an every day thing. I asked God if He wanted me to continue and the answer came the next day in a blog comment. Some one asked me to keep writing because she was reading one day and the message spoke to her and she was able to escape from a deep depression she was in. I explained to her that it wasn't me that should get any credit, but it was God who told me what to write that day and He reached out to her through Scripture and a few words He let me add. Thus I write every day until God says to stop.

So in short. This daily blog is free to share with whoever you desire to share it with. God is the Founder and Author. There are no royalty fees involved and you don't need permission to share it. This daily blog is from God's heart, to my heart and then to yours.  I consider it a labor of love and I know that each day the message is written and it might touch the heart of someone and not always everyone. That is up to God.

Today I want to say that a global prayer went up for all who read this. You are family to me and I want you to know that you are loved.

God bless,


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