Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Create In Me A Clean Heart 1/21/2020

Good Morning,

I have two Springer Spaniels at my feet and they are a welcome attraction this morning. I just returned from letting them run outside for few minutes. It is very cold out there today and having them snuggle on my feet is warming me up quickly. My mug of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee is helping with the heat project also.

Psalm 51:10-12    10. Create in me a pure heart O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
11. Do not cast me from your presence, or take your Holy Spirit from me. 12. Restore to me the joy of your salvation,  and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.

To keep the roads from being icy and slippery where we live, the city, state and county apply salt to the surfaces. The salt melts the snow and ice and soon after you have a wet brine that attaches itself to your automobile or truck. It whitewashes the surface of a car and we all know that unless it is rinsed off  it starts an erosion process and eats away at the metal of the automobile. In addition, if you brush up against one of these brine laden vehicles the white powder attaches itself to your clothes. Many people walk around with a dark coat painted white with what looks to be chalk dust.

In life we find that all too often we get a little salty ourselves. We accept things into our lives that we know are wrong. We rationalize doing the wrong things with "it won't hurt this one time" or "it was just a little bit". For instance some might imbibe on an alcohol cocktail now and then without impacting their lives. But then there are some who should never have a drink because of the impact the drinks have on them and others around them. So one drink, leads to another, which might spawn heartache, lies, and deceit.  You see, the salt attached itself and started to erode your frame, your body, and the minds and hearts of others.

Friends we all do this from time to time by letting a little salt (sin) into our lives. We forget that it just accumulates more and more until we can't remember the lies we told, our shame is before us, and the sins we like to keep hurt others.

We need to wash our cars to get rid of the salt brine in the winter. We as well need to have a heart to heart talk with God and ask Him to wash out our hearts and minds. This starts by being honest and open to correction.  You can see the impact these sins we like to keep have. You just have to open your eyes. The first sign of erosion is when God is not your number one priority.

So take a look inside. Do you need to spend some time in God's car wash?

Have a great day!!



  1. Thank you Marty for the right word at the right time.

    1. Let's thank God for His perfect timing. I'll wager that you went and got your car washed!
