Saturday, January 11, 2020

Music And The Soul 1/11/2020

Good Morning,

My cup of Door County Christmas Coffee is ready to be refilled very soon. I am writing from our den. My hideout is on the second floor with windows facing two directions. I am watching the trees bend in the wind and I can hear the wind howling as it blows along the house. I am grateful for the new windows we put on the house two years ago. I have a small fire in the fireplace and the house is toasty warm. If I don't leave this den all day I am content to be here.

Psalm 92:1 It is good to praise the Lord and make music to you name, O Most High!

In our church congregation we are so blessed to have many musicians and singers. I for one cannot be counted within the group of the talented. When God handed out talents I must have been sleeping and I missed the talent train. But that is OK with me. I get to sit and listen to the beautiful music others play sing or compose. Today I want to say thank you to all of those who lead me every week in worship with their talents. It is a sacrifice to spend time practicing, writing music, or teaching others. They are using their God given talents to praise God and bless others.

Here is the challenge to all of you. What talent or gift has God given to you and you aren't using? Can you teach? You should be teaching. Are you good at working with children or teens, then you should be doing that. Are you a clean freak? Then clean the church . Are you gifted with a strong back. Help the elderly move into a new residence when they need to. Can you bake or cook? Many hands make short work of a church breakfast. Some people with a ton of kids could use a break. Bring them or the sickly a meal.

Take your talents on the road. Play your guitar in a home for the elderly. Babysit for the single mother who needs to grocery shop. I see these moms all the time with three kids tagging along in the store, destroying the store aisle by aisle. Are you able to write and were gifted with good penmanship? Write letters to our military service men and women. Send your pastor an encouraging note.

What ever gift or talent you possess, use it to praise God and give Him the glory before it is too late. That guitar will never make any music from the grave!

God bless,


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