Monday, January 13, 2020

While We Are Here Let's Make A Difference 1/13/2020

Good Morning,

This old man is waiting on the Door County Maple Coffee to finish brewing and I am looking forward to that first cup in a big way.

Proverbs 11:14 For a lack of guidance a nation falls. But victory is won through many advisers. 

I have lived most of my life already and now that I am older I don't take each day for granted. I am not ancient yet and hopefully still have some good years left in me. I had an encounter with a young man yesterday that I would have to say was very nice. I was able to give him a little sound advice and after receiving it he replied, "Thanks for looking out for me. That is a good idea and I will follow through on it." He was polite and appreciated the nudge toward a direction in life.

Now it wasn't anything Earth shattering that spewed out of my mouth, but it came from experience and from my heart, one man to another man. The age difference between us is about 43 years and during our encounter we both shared from the heart.

Friends this will be short and to the point today. You were given experiences in life and for the time being you are still here on this Earth. Your experience is yours. You went through something and might have been just placed in a situation where your experience can benefit someone else. It is your God given duty to share the knowledge with compassion and love. If not, you have to question "why am I here"?  Whether you experienced good fortune or bad, you have gone through it and have knowledge to share.

Go ahead and share. You will never really know the impact you made on another life.  And if you are in the middle of an experience you never navigated before, and someone comes along who has, navigated the issue, it just might be the help you were praying for.

Have a great day. Share, share, and then share some more. Receive advice with respect and thankfulness.


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