Saturday, January 4, 2020

A Snare Is A Trap That Can Be Avoided 1/4/2020

Good Morning,

I woke up to the sound of the Door County Vanilla Creme Coffee brewing in the kitchen and the sounds of two hungry dogs wanting to be let outside. There are many things on my list to accomplish this fine day. So now it is time to write.

I have hunted for wild game most all of my life or for at least 55 years worth. When I was about seven years old one of the older boys in our neighborhood showed me how to loop some wire together and place it in a pathway securing it to something sturdy. Then when it was secured, you would place some carrot peels near the wire on the ground. You then had a rabbit snare. It didn't take me very long to find out that this style of hunting might include hitting a rabbit on the head to put it out of it's misery. I decided that this just wasn't how I wanted to hunt. The word snare has never been a word in my vocabulary that I try to use. Every time I think about the word it gives me chills to the bone and I see the hang mans noose and a body from watching to many B Western films.

But the word snare or snared is in the Bible and it is called upon to make my point today.

Proverbs 6:2 You are snared by the words of your mouth. You are taken by the words of your mouth. 

All too often we pray with the same mouth we curse with. The same mouth that lavishes God with praise can turn foul and ugly in an instant. We stand before God beseeching Him to answer prayers for days, months and sometimes years. Then we wonder why our prayers are not answered. We wonder why the calamities of life breach our walls.

From what I know of plumbing I can tell you this. The hot and cold water water come from one source . The hot water is then heated and the cold water remains cold.  When you combine the two you have cooled the hot and warmed the cold water. This is known as tepid. They are neither hot nor cold anymore. If you truly wanted hot water you would keep the cold water from mixing with it.

We choke off , snare or hang our unanswered prayers for the world to see when we cuss, swear, use the Lord's name in vain . We are snared by the words that come out of our mouths. I have never  witnessed or seen anyone that I offended really willing to do me a favor after I insulted them. But yet we treat God this way. It becomes Spiritual abuse when it has perpetuated into a life long habit that we don't kick.

Having you prayer life and Spiritual life impacted by a small tongue with a big mouth can be avoided. Treat yourself like a child and train yourself to fear God. Your inability to curb your mouth is a direct reflection of your time in God's Word and your fear of Him. Your love for God is reflected in your desire to choose foul language over His love for you and His desire to bless you within His will. Penalize yourself by taking something away when you lose your mouth control. The evidence of what you have taken away or paid to a money jar is totally convicting of where you stand with God. Let you shame yourself.

God  Bless,


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