Friday, May 17, 2019

What Will You Leave Behind? 5/17/2019

Hey Good Morning World! God loves you!

I am starting the day with a big cup of Door County White Christmas Coffee. I hope your day is blessed.

A few weeks ago I had the extreme pleasure to take part in a birthday celebration where men were asked to attend and share with the young man a few words of wisdom written down for him to keep. I thought the idea was a great one.

Let me ask you this?
What is your favorite Bible verse? Does your family know what it is?
What is your favorite recipe?
What advice would you write down for your family or friends?

I write to my daughter in a leather bound journal. I write some of my thoughts, Bible verses, advice and Martyisms. I write about some fun we had, grief we both shared, my likes and dislikes, and some of my fears.  I don't write every day, but quite often. I want to leave her something when I go home some day to heaven. She will know my thoughts, a recipe or two and of course receive some Biblical wisdom.

What will you leave behind as far as knowledge and wisdom? We won't always be there to remind our families of what we learned and taught. Some of your family, you might not ever meet. But they can read about you. Did you know this is actually Biblical?

Proverbs 6:20 -23
“My son, keep your father’s commands, and don’t forget your mother’s teaching.

Keep their words in mind forever as though you had them tied around your neck.
They will guide you when you walk. They will guard you when you sleep.
They will speak to you when you are awake.

These commands are like a lamp; this teaching is like a light.
And the correction that comes from them will help you have life

What will you leave behind you when you go?

Love ya!

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