Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Shelf Sitters. Don't Be One 5/22/2019

Good Morning,
It's time to embrace this Wednesday and I salute it with a cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee and a hearty smile.

My wonderful wife Laurene (Rene) is a lover of antiques. Lucky for me that she is, because at my age I qualify for antique status. On the mantel of our fireplace sits this antique telephone. It never rings, never delivers a message, nor does it receive any. It just sits there and looks old.

I was sitting in my chair last winter and it was looking at me and I was staring it down, wondering in my mind about all the calls that might have been made with that phone many years ago. Did it ever deliver a message of hope or cheer to someone? Or has it always just stood still adorning a shelf or for practical purposes just been useless? I guess you can already tell that my deepest thoughts are not too deep.

This message is to encourage those folks who are "shelf sitters". We are all one of a kind, designer made originals created by God. Not made to sit on the side but to contribute and be part of the world outside of the shelf we have made for ourselves or the shelf you were placed on by others.

Psalm 139:13-14New International Version (NIV)
13 For you created my inmost being;
    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.
None of us were made for a shelf. We are all made differently with different gifts or talents. That old phone never asks me "how was your day", or sends a message of "sorry to hear about that, how can I help?"
No matter the age, race or gender we can be involved in making a difference for others. Do you know that every face can smile? A smile can be aimed at any person in any direction. I had a dear friend who while dying from cancer made it a point to call people and ask them what prayer they might need prayed for. He would say, "while I am laid up I want to be useful". He did this right up until his last day. 
We are not made to sit on a shelf. My heart goes out and breaks for those who have for one reason or another been placed on that shelf of hurt and loneliness  by others. You don't belong there. It's time to come down and be assured that you are a "Child of the King'" who made you and has given you talents that can be used.
Here are some ways to get involved. Find a volunteer organization that fits what you like to do. Maybe the local animal shelter? Maybe a hospital or nursing home? How about a youth organization that assists kids or teens? Maybe you are gifted in health care, I know some countries or local cities where you could assist for ten days.  Maybe you can knit or build things. Knit away, then give away. Many a child around the world could use a hat or mittens for the cold winters. Build useful things and donate them. There are many disabled veterans that could use a wheel chair ramp for their homes. Babysit for a mom who is trying to make ends meet and finish school.
Have you ever sat on a street corner on a super hot day and handed out cold bottled water  to the homeless? I have and was I popular!!!! But better yet I supplied a need and a lot of great conversation and encouragement. There was more to that day than just water.
Easier yet, send notes of encouragement. Make calls to others.  This list could go on for hours upon hours. You were made to be part of this world and to make it a better place. Age, race, gender, shyness are no excuses. You will find that coming off the shelf will make you feel alive and well, despite any circumstances you are experiencing.

Matthew 25:40New International Version (NIV)
40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Get off the shelf and quit gathering dust. You can make a difference to others and yourself.

God bless,
It's time to embrace this Wednesday and I salute it with a cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee and a hearty smile.

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