Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Waiting On The Storms 5/28/2019

Good Evening,

Circumstances kept me from writing this morning. I want to give a big shout out to a friend who brewed some Door County Blueberry Cobbler Coffee for me at work today. So tonight I will write from the heart and hope it works for all of you.

Colossians 1:17 ESV

And he is before all things, and in him, all things hold together.
He will hold you together. He will keep you. Jesus loves you. He is not punishing you. He is not pleased by watching you suffer. When you suffer He suffers. He will keep you. He will pull you through. He won’t allow you to fall apart.

I was listening to the weather forecast a little while ago and it is calling for some stronger storms to go rumbling through here later tonight. They spoke a bout some thunder, lightning and some heavy rain. The rain will add to an already water logged area.

As always when I hear about storms arriving to our area, I know that we are prepared with water, flashlights and rain gear. A few years ago instead of taking a vacation we saved our money and purchased a home emergency generator. It is wired to the house and fires up on it's own when the electricity goes out. It goes dark for a few seconds in the house and then the lights come back on as well as keeping us warm and the refrigerators running.

Life brings us some storms now and then and it can seem very dark on the horizons of our hearts. But those who are waiting on God to be there in the storms find that is always darker before it the new dawn. God does allow it to go dark on us and then He illuminates our way through the darkness. We need to rust in Him to do so. He doesn't always eliminate the darkness around us, but He lights our way through it. He can be counted on in the storms of life.

I have a Bible in the basement where we are to go to during majorly severe storms. While riding it out in the basement I usually read some of the Psalms. When my life grows weary from the storms of the heart, soul, or mind I weather them out with God's Word.

Make sure your spiritual flashlights are charged for the next storm that comes your way.


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