Saturday, May 11, 2019

Italian Sausages And Retirement 5/11/2019

Good Morning,

Morning showed up and I for one am greeting this day with a prayer, a smile and a cup of Door County German Chocolate Cake Coffee.

Proverbs 5:18-19 English Standard Version (ESV)
18 Let your fountain be blessed,

    and rejoice in the wife of your youth,

19     a lovely deer, a graceful doe.

Today is the beginning of a new adventure for my wife Rene. She goes into work today and this will be the last weekend of work for her after a long career in health care. She has a few more week days to work but on the 29th of May she will be retired.

It seems like just yesterday that we met in the Radiology Department of the hospital we both worked at. We were friends for quite awhile and after spending one day together on a canoe trip I knew I wanted her in my canoe for the rest of my days.

I always make Rene's lunch and last night was the same as any other night. I made her lunch and packed it away into the refrigerator. I grilled some Italian sausages last night. Rene prefers leftovers for lunch. So it was a simple thing to do. Italian sausage, some butter veggies, and a biscuit was packed for that tired Rad Tech. But then it dawned on me. I won't be making lunches for much longer. The Rad Tech will work one more weekend day and that will be the last of the weekend lunches. This has been a duty happily completed since 1986.

When Rene saw her lunch, she smiled and said " Well done, good and faithful husband." She laughed as she went to bed and said. "I am going to miss those lunches". I just might have to make her a lunch now and then to eat at noon while she is at home.  That hard worker has earned a few lunches to eat in her retirement!

God bless,



  1. What a wonderful post Marty. I shared it with my wife & we both enjoyed it. Congratulations to your hard working wife on her pending retirement.

  2. Now you have the privilege of sharing time and lunches together more often. Blessings.

    1. Thanks Tillie. Approach Rene and see if we can't get her to Care Net once in awhile.
