Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Feeling Foolish. We All Do It. 11/1/2016

Good Morning,

Time to wake up and stumble out to the kitchen for a cup of Door County Cinnamon Sugar Biscotti Coffee.

1. Proverbs 26:11-12 Like a dog that returns to its vomit, a fool does the same foolish things again and again. People who think they are wise when they are not are worse than fools

Have you ever listened to a question, thought you understood it and then answered with a totally off the wall answer? This probably left people wondering what planet you are from. How about the times you went to the local county fair of the big craft show and watched a guy with slicing machine cut perfect French Fries, peel hard boiled eggs and then use the blade to cut copper pipe? Only to get that same machine home to find out that each egg has to be a certain size, you can only use potatoes from Transylvania or you only get mashed potatoes instead of fries. You take these crazy purchases and wait for the next White Elephant gift party so you can drop the piece of junk on to someone else.

We have all done things that left us feeling foolish and possibly embarrassed. We vow never to be that dumb again but there we are at the next fair purchasing the best spot remover in the world. Only to find out that plain old bleach will do the same thing and cheaper.

Here is our point for today. We have all done foolish things and can't believe we did them. We all make mistakes but the wise person learns from the mistake and makes a plan to avoid that same mistake like the plague. The unwise person repeats the mistakes adding to his or her list of foolishness.

So once a mistake is made, learn from it and form a plan to avoid doing it again.

For me, it is too go to the fair but stay next to Rene so I am not buying a cruise on the Titanic. I learned the hard way when I signed us up for a free cruise to the Bahamas. I have seen bigger duck hunting boats. But it was free.! Did I feel foolish while at the harbor looking for our cruise ship. I asked someone where it might be. They laughed and pointed. There it was, a bigger version of the USS Minnow. Right then and there I started hoping it was only a three hour tour. I forgot to bring my own oars. So I learned that nothing is free and if it is, it might be best to avoid it. But I learned from my mistakes. Rene has taught me how to stay away from the signs that catch my eye,  Free, Free, Free, and to read  the fine print. I have been doing pretty good.

So for today. Think twice. Have you done this before? Why do it again?

Love to all.
