Saturday, November 19, 2016

Hungry For Grilled Pheasant 11/19/2016

Good Morning,

The wind is howling and the Door County Highlander Grog Coffee will soon be poured into a mug and enjoyed by this tired fella.

Last night I braved the wind and started our grill and cooked up some pheasant breasts. Rene and I both had a small baked potato and some lemon spinach. I knew what we would be eating for dinner all day long. As I ate a salad of cucumbers, dried tomatoes, mushrooms and jalapeno peppers for lunch, my mind wandered ahead to dinner. That pheasant was what I really wanted. When I arrived home I moved the grill out of the garage, warmed it up and started to cook the marinated pheasant.

Inside the potatoes were baking and the spinach and dried lemon were both simmering together on the stove. I was hungry for a great dinner.

While eating our dinner I started to think about how excited I was to dine on what I would call the best this world has to offer. Then I remembered what Jesus said,

Matthew 4:4New International Version (NIV)
Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.

His words rang in my ears and I knew then what dessert would be. A friend of ours read verses from the Bible to me last night as God laid them on his heart. So before bed I had a snack of God's Word. I read those verses again. Wouldn't it be nice if we all hungered for time in God's Word as much as we hungered for other things?

I think we could all use a diet change. What do you say?


1 comment:

  1. Awesome words. craving a life style for Gods word and a relationship with Jesus
