Sunday, November 6, 2016

Working Through It 11/6/2016

Good Morning,

I am a little bit off key and kinda miss my usual big cup of Door County Coffee. The view pictured is from our Dad's deck on a peaceful autumn day. I will never forget that morning.

Earlier this week we were notified that our Dad had an accident at home and had passed away. We all made it home and for the first time in a long time we were together. Things are always more difficult when you are a long way from your own home. Cousins of ours who live near Dad reached out to help and assist. Everyone from funeral directors, police, auto repair folks, bankers and real estate agents were more than patient and kind to us. At times things went better than expected and then some times were tough. We felt the care and prayers of others for us. We are truly grateful. God is good.

Today most of the family will be going home until we regroup for more clean up of the estate. I am staying a day or two longer and will be finishing some business.

My thought on these last few days is this. Each day is a little easier but not much. I do not like processes. I am a "git er done" kind of guy. I petitioned God as to why I was having trouble moving on quicker and He spoke.

Ecclesiastes 3:4. There is a time to weep, a time to laugh, a time to mourn, a time to dance. 

So I believe the mourning time will be a process of healing prescribed by God. I pray for strength and peace. They will come because God promised that we will dance again some day.

God bless.
