Monday, November 14, 2016

An Extra Set Of Eyes And Ears 11/14/2016

Good Morning,

I will be filling my cup with Door County Frosted Cinnamon Buns Coffee in a minute or two. It seems as if the pot is taking a little longer to brew up my mug of therapy.

I love hunting with a trained dog. They are a joy to watch and their goal is to please the master by doing what they have been taught. For them, it is pure fun to hunt, flush and retrieve. I rely on our dog Gibbs to be an extra set of eyes for spotting birds. He has very keen eyesight and when I see him turn his head while sitting in the boat or blind, it is ninety nine percent of the time to watch a bird go by. He can usually hear a goose honking in the distance before I do and can zero in on the direction a duck quack came from. He then looks in that direction with a steadfast stare. He can't pull the trigger on a gun but he sure does offer up good advice. While hunting upland game I have to thoroughly trust him and his nose to lead me to a squawking pheasant. I have learned to trust him and his instincts one hundred percent.

During our lives we all need advice from time to time. There are many times while hunting with Gibbs that he wants to go one way and I want to go another way. His way usually leads to a bird. When he doesn't have the scent or sound of a bird in his brain he goes with me happily and trusts that I might put us in a good spot to be successful. The trust is mutual.

We all need trusty friends that will offer up Godly advice from time to time. In some instances when we are overwhelmed, we just need to trust their advice and follow them. These folks should also be able to disagree with us and show us the right way despite what we want. They will tell us what we don't want to hear. Good counsel also watches out for us, spotting things that we might overlook. They are a second set of eyes and ears.

Proverbs 13:10New Living Translation (NLT)
10 Pride leads to conflict;
    those who take advice are wise.

Each of us should have at least one person like this, if not more. This person will always lead you to choices backed up by Scripture. God places people like this in our lives. They are gifts to us. It would be a shame to receive a gift and never use it.

If you find that you do not have the ear or eyes of someone else, ask this question? When given good Godly advice, do I follow it? Many people grow weary of giving great advice and then watching others go the wrong way and continually make mistakes. Having a lack of people wanting to be involved in your life, might just be on you.

Food for thought!



  1. When you find those special friendships, you can't thank God enough. I thank Him every day for men like you Marty. Gibbs is pretty awesome too.
