Friday, November 11, 2016

We Can Overcome Differences 11/11/2016

Good Morning,

Break out the Door County Highlander Grog Coffee and let's get this Friday underway. I am looking forward to seeing some time spent with Rene this weekend.

Meet Bo and Gibbs. They met on our hunting trip to North Dakota. They are very different. Notice the differences. Color, race, size, age, and experience. One is a puppy and one is going to be five years old. But they both retrieve ducks. They needed to ride together. Funny thing, Bo hopped in the truck where Gibbs usually rides. Gibbs jumped in and they rode together. Gibbs is willing to share. Bo was willing to accept a ride. They did not see differences. They shared a common desire and goal.
They both retrieve ducks and they don't mind picking one up for the other dog if needed. 

Now hear this! If two dogs who are normally territorial can get along, so can people. These two dogs have a common goal, and that is to hunt alone or with others.

I believe it is time for Americans to start pulling together and quit the bickering. We just went through an election that reminded me of a divorce with an ugly custody battle. What we forget is to practice Biblical principals.

Romans 12:10English Standard Version (ESV)
10 Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor

The election is over and it is time to get on with working to help others and make life better for all. Dogs can do it when they have a common goal and are trained to behave. We have all been trained to know right from wrong. We have all been trained to know what peace is. We have all been trained to refrain from doing harm. We have no excuse for not pulling up our big boy or big girl pants and getting to work on unity.

OK. Friday begin!!!!


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