Friday, November 18, 2016

The Weather Is Changing 11/18/2016

Good Morning,

Wow! I just filled my insulated bottle with Door County Maple Coffee and I made it just a little hotter before pouring. The weather is changing today and our first colder blast is here. We might see some snow flakes today or tomorrow morning.

I feel blessed to live where we do. Some people bark about the cold weather in the fall and winter, I for one enjoy it. I have written before that my favorite clothes are winter clothing. I enjoy warm Kromer hats and warm gloves. I like crawling into a cold car, letting it warm up and pouring a little coffee to make the experience a little easier. Coffee always tastes better when it is colder outside. We are blessed to have four distinct seasons here. I enjoy seeing all four arrive, and then fade away.

God planted me where I am and I really have no desire to leave. As the world turns I see God in every season. Our apple trees have lost their leaves and are now resting until the spring brings new buds and flowers.  I love watching the cycles of life.

Genesis 8:22English Standard Version (ESV)
22 While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease

So today Dear Friends stop for a moment and see what God has changed around you in the last month. Don't take it for granted. When you see the leaves fall it is just a sign that God is alive and well and He turned the seasons. Enjoy it for now, it will change as promised.

Love to all.
