Monday, December 1, 2014

Silver Bells 12/1/2014

Good Morning,

Monday Already? Where did the weekend go? My coffee this morning is Door County Christmas. December has arrived and I am giddy with anticipation of all the things that will go on in our home this month.

I am especially looking forward to the annual Christmas Caroling that will take place next Saturday. It starts at our home and two teams of people go out and sing to some of the elderly folks in the local nursing homes. Then they all come back to our house for soup fest and fellowship.

A few years ago while doing this one lady requested that we sing "Silver Bells". We were able to accommodate the request and she smiled from ear to ear. She said that Silver Bells had always been her favorite Christmas song. She told us that when she was around 8 years old she was in a choir of little kids who sang that song for their mayor. She proudly let us know that the recital was one of the best moments of her life. I asked her if she had accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. She replied that she had done that at an early age. She said, " although my recital for the mayor was a great day I have a better day coming, when I someday see Jesus".

It was just a few days later that I saw an ambulance at the nursing home. I saw the ambulance leave and they did not seem to be in a hurry with their passenger. I learned later that the person inside had already passed away and delivery to a hospital was a formality so a doctor could pronounce the person deceased.

I stopped in to inquire with the staff if I could pray with anyone who might be upset about losing one of their friends. That's when I found out that the lady who requested "Silver Bells" to be sung had passed away. Some of her elderly friends asked if we could sing it again in her honor. We made such a beautiful noise together, none of which was on key.

But then I remembered what that sweet lady said about seeing Jesus and I realized that she just had the best day of her life. She was home in heaven with the One who died for her.

Every time I hear the song "Silver Bells" on the radio I remember her smile when she spoke of looking forward to her great day.

What day do you have in front of you? Have you invited Jesus into your heart?

2 Corinthians 5:8New King James Version (NKJV)
We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord.

God bless,

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