Sunday, December 14, 2014

Walking Freely 12/14/2014

Good Morning

My cup is filled with Door County Autumn Spice Coffee and my heart is filled with concern for loved ones going through rough times today. A little more time in prayer is needed this morning.

I do a lot of duck hunting as everyone around me knows. Part of the gear I need is a trusted pair of chest waders. Waders are designed to keep us dry and warm as we walk through water in pursuit of the elusive fowl. The boots are heavy and at times quite cumbersome especially when walking through muck and mud. No doubt, once they are removed at the end of the hunt my legs and hip joints are relieved. They are not always easy to walk in. There is nothing worse than a pair of waders that leak. Once filled with swamp water they are cold, will smell later and usually the repairs don't last. You need to purchase new ones.

Colossians 2:6-7New King James Version (NKJV)
As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it[ with thanksgiving.

My friends, we have freely received the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a gift given from God the Father. So we are to walk freely. We seem to continue to walk in the leaky waders of the world. All the things of life that we continue to carry like guilt, shame, anger, old habits, depression or envy, hold us back from experiencing a new and resurrected life. We will have burdens no doubt, and troubles will come our way. But are the old bad habits of sin to keep a grip on us? They to continue to have a grip on us like wet, swampy waders? No! We are to shed those things like a frozen pair of leaky wet waders. Waders filled with water if not shed add more weight to the walk. If a hunter falls into the water they can actually contribute to him or her drowning.

Eventually by not living as the Bible teaches us through the Holy Spirit we will drown in our old habits.

How are you walking? Are your waders filled with the swamp muck of the world? Do you let all the junk into your life? Are your old sins still on your back? Then get back to the basics. Read God's word and obey it, attend church regularly, and pray. You'll see the waders start to come off. Life will be easier to walk.

God bless,