Thursday, April 27, 2023

Work Is Not A Dirty Word 4/27/2023

 Good Morning,

The sun is shining through the window of our den and it feels good to be drinking some Door County Pecan Cinnamon Ice Cream Coffee as I enjoy the morning. 

Romans 4:4 Now to the one who works, his wages are not counted as a gift, but as his due. 

My professional work life has pretty much taken me to retirement and the part time job I have is really part time now. For one who has always been busy enough for two people it has been hard to adjust to slowing down. 

I was a bit of hard to raise kid and would often spend my summers with my grandparents. For the first few years of my summers away from home, my grandfather was still working. He was a section foreman for the railroad. He would come home hot and sweaty from a long day of track repairs or a small new installation. Everything was done by hand back then. The rails were heavy and those guys drove in the spikes by hand with a sledge hammer. 

During our times alone I was always subject to a life lesson from grandpa and the range of those lessons could be from how to identify a spring of water under a gravel road, to how to properly swing a sledge hammer. 

One lesson that had many chapters to it was work ethics. Grandpa used to tell me over and over how important it was to earn your wages, and always stay busy while on the company clock. "Don't abuse the lunch or break times. Stop your breaks and lunches on time. To extend them a few minutes here and there is stealing from the company." He reminded me that there is really no allergy to work and that work was not a dirty word." I learned that there was a time for everything and fishing came after work.

I always took pride in doing a job worthy of my hire and I still do. Honesty with an employer goes a long way. So you can imagine now that slowing down in the work place is a hard adjustment for me. 

Friends, while you still can work, do so. Give a days work for a days pay. Take pride in what you do. Remember this, you are God's representative where you work and no where in God's Word does He ever say to be a sluggard or dishonest. 

Food for thought!!!


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