Tuesday, April 11, 2023

I Remember Mom And Straight Laces 4/11/2023

 Good Morning,

It is very quiet this morning as I sit at my desk to write. Next to me is a hot cup of Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee. On the floor to my right our two dogs are once again sleeping. 

Proverbs 31:31 Honor her for all her hands have done and let her works bring her praise at the city gate. 

Today is my mother's birthday and if she were alive she would be 86 years old. She went to heaven 14 years ago , when a simple cold went bad and laid her to rest. I think about her very often and especially when I am doing something she taught me. I recall her teaching me how to tie my shoes and how particular she was about having the laces perfectly even. It was mom who taught me how to swing a baseball bat from both sides of home plate. "You have more power when you swing opposite of your dominant hand". She was correct on that one and I still swing my axe as a lefty. You can't imagine how long that took to learn.

I could make a list of the things she taught me and it would be a long one. But that is not the point I hope to make today. All the things she taught us kids took time and the lessons learned sometimes had to be gone over and over again. But mom persevered and when necessary could be very strict. She would communicate and never glossed over the truth. She would let you know when you were headed for trouble or when you did a good job. You always knew where you stood with her. Our ages did not matter to her. Even as adults she would correct our way of thinking, pass on a new recipe, or call you with a word of encouragement. She spent her time on us. She prayed for us and when teaching us how to cross the street, the path she took led you to walk to church and back. Who knows how many hours she spent praying for this black sheep of the family. 

So what lessons are you teaching the children of your life? It could be your children, grand kids, nieces and nephews. Are you taking enough time to tell them what they need to know or what you have learned? So today, I will tie my shoes, brush my teeth, brown the garlic first before I make spaghetti sauce, and say please and thank you. I will thank God for my mom and look forward to seeing her again some day. I wonder if she will scold me that day for "being late"?


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