Thursday, April 6, 2023

Let My Heart Be Right. 4/6/2023

 Good Morning,

I just awoke to a great aroma coming from the kitchen. It will be a pleasure to be pouring some Door County Toasted Praline Coffee in a few minutes. It will be a greater pleasure to be drinking some. 

Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast Spirit within me.

Tomorrow will be Good Friday and even as a young boy I could get caught up in the crucifixion and death of Jesus on Friday. Yet Thursday the day before all of that never really had me thinking about Good Friday and then Easter. Thursday had always just been another day for me, just as Wednesday, Tuesday or Monday. 

Friday was a day of being somber and we went to church. The church seemed to be quieter on Friday as we remember what happened that day. Jesus being nailed to a cross and then dying for my sins hit home with me even as a young boy. But Thursday was just Thursday.  

Later in life I started to appreciate each day more and more. Jesus lived on this Earth for 33 years and every day of His life was a definite countdown to His death, burial, and resurrection. Thursday brought Him closer by one day. I try to think about what I would all be doing if I was able to walk and talk like normal, knowing tomorrow would be the last day for me. The thought of that just weighs down on me. And as I ponder how I would act, my list of to dos gets to be more than 24 hours would allow for me. I know for sure I would be preparing my heart to see Jesus. I would be making sure my family knew I loved them. My friends would get a call and if there were any differences between us I would try to make amends.

So after I wrote this dribble, wondering how I will end it, it comes down to this. Why don't we treat every day like the Thursday before Easter, the day before your death?

Food for thought?



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