Friday, January 20, 2023

Time To Clean House 1/20/2023

 Good Morning,

Friday arrived right on time as promised. Next to me are two English Springer Spaniels that want some attention. Right after I finish my my cup of Door County Naughty And Nice Grog Coffee I will get them outside for a good run. 

Colossians 3:10 And have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of it's Creator. 

I try to look for the good in things especially when times are tough and considered bad. Not that Covid has left us for good as it still rears it's ugly head yet. I did find one good thing during it's first big push a couple years ago when we were all quarantined and going stir crazy, was the idea of cleaning house and ridding ourselves of "STUFF". You know, that kind of stuff that you save that just might be usable someday. My wife and I tossed a lot of stuff out or donated it to charity. A couple of years later I can't say that I needed one thing we got rid of. But yet, we have started accumulating more STUFF. Little by little stuff seems to be saving itself in our home We would never do that so the dogs must be storing up junk for  apocalypse type days or they plan on building something. They are not really good at sharing their plans. When in doubt blame the dogs.

So we started in once again on purging our home, little by little. I think that once in awhile it is also good to purge our lives of bad habits, excuses, addictions, and anger. In other words their comes a time to get rid of the bad things one likes to hang on to. In some instances we hang on to these things because it requires work and in some instances it makes us uncomfortable to confront ourselves. We ignore the warning signs of the impending anguish our lack of concern for ourselves and others will bring upon us. We continue to add to the pile of "STUFF" we have created and just don't see that the truth is not living within us. We can however spot all of the STUFF in other peoples lives because to clean up our "STUFF" takes honesty and work. It is easier to play the blame game and throw ourselves pity parties. 

To clean out the garage is a bigger project and best suited for the summer. But I can work on the clutter at my desk or in the basement. I must face the truth in doing so. Why do I have 15 pencils at my desk? Yet I am faced with the truth that I was just too lazy to put them back in the box we have to store pencils and we really do not need to collect anymore when the sign says "Take One". The pencil example shows how we need to confront ourselves and be truthful to self! Why can't I sleep well? It could be I am angry with someone. Be truthful to self and deal with it. Are we a cause of their anger and actions. Do we see their faults without seeing ours? 

Have a great day. Declutter your hearts and minds and be truthful to yourself and others. 


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