Saturday, January 28, 2023

Hot Coffee And A Hot Fire 1/28/2023

 Good Morning,

I started a fire about 10 minutes ago and the dried oak is already producing some heat. The wood is crackling and that sound really makes me feel good.  I have a hot cup of Door County Coconut Cupcakes Coffee steaming next to me and it is time to write. 

Mark 6:31 And He said to them, "Come away by yourselves to a quiet place and rest a while. 

This last week was very slow for having any work at my part time job, so small things were accomplished at home and I had a nice time at the slower pace. It picks up next week and I will be busier. It will help me to look forward to next weekend. 

This morning I took advantage of not having anywhere to go until tonight and I stoked up the fireplace, fed the dogs, and waited for the coffee to finish brewing. I opened my Bible and did a little reading before I started writing, and friends I have to say this. I am content, warm, and renewed spiritually. The slow week did me some good and I do not feel guilty about slacking off for a week. More than my body, I relaxed my mind and soul. I believe now and then we need to check ourselves into a spa which could just be your yard, den, living room or a walk in the woods or park. I believe at times we need and extended stay to recharge and breathe. I mention taking a breath.  Take in some fresh air. I have a bakery in mind and I plan on going by today just to smell the warm cookies that they turn out every hour. You can smell the sweet aroma outside in their parking lot. I will purchase some bakery so I am not known as the "Parking Lot Sniffer". My point is this, take time to enjoy something simple and good. It makes the day a little brighter!
