Tuesday, January 24, 2023

A Wake Up Call 1/24/2023

 Good Morning,

The day is beginning to shape up and it always helps to start it with a hot cup of Door County Jingle Bell Java Coffee and prayer.

Psalm 5:3 In the morning, Lord, You hear my voice. In the morning I lay out my requests to you and wait expectantly. 

Photo Credit Wyoming Department of Health

I will not be working today and I plan on enjoying some time spent with my wife and studying a little. Despite having off from work, I set the alarm clock for my usual time to wake up. Most of the time I wake up a few minutes before the clock sounds off for my wake up call. But not today. I was sound asleep when that radio alarm started playing some music. My wife Rene asked me last night why I was setting an alarm for a wake up call when I had nowhere of importance to go. "Why don't you just sleep in and get up when you awaken naturally?" She forgets that our two dogs are natural alarm clocks and they too are a source of "Wake Up! It's Daylight In The Swamp Soon" 

I really did not have an answer for her, that I could just fire off. I had to think about it for awhile. I believe I know why I do set an alarm. My body has been trained to work and now in semi retirement it still never wants to be late for work. Never was, and never will be one who likes to show up late for anything. Days off were hard to come by for many years. On Saturdays and Sundays I always had something planned or something needed to be done so I was up early. 

I also like some quiet time to myself in the morning. I always have a hot cup of coffee or two in silence. Our dogs require attention and they are another source of morning joy for me. I love the sunrise more than the sunsets. I spend time in prayer, read my Bible and then write to all of you in the morning, before I go to work or whatever else I am doing now. 

Waking up early is the best way I found to spend an hour with God, right from the coffee time through the rest of my morning rituals. I never like to rush through a morning and I cherish the moment. I do not look forward to the day when old age has me sleeping later or not being productive, much at all. 

We are all different and some like to stay up late and others like to greet the day. For me, I like starting the day on time and spending that time counting my blessings, enjoying my surroundings and communicating with God. So whatever works for you go for it. By the way, my clock is already set for tomorrow morning. Lord willing I am still around to hear it. God bless and have a great day. 



  1. Marty, I to enjoy the early morning time of quiet in the house. No alarm set but, usually up at 4:30 or 5:00, this after 15 yrs retired. Good time for prayer and study and to get dogs food ready for the 6:00 feeding.
    God bless you.
