Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Pheasant Hunting For New Years Day 12/28/2022

 Good Morning,

This morning rolled in as expected with some warmer weather. Yet I find great satisfaction in enjoying a very hot mug of Door County Naughty And Nice Grog Coffee. 

Philippians 4:6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

On Sunday, 2023 will also roll in and as far as New Years Eve goes not much is in our plans except to enjoy a light meal at home and rest up for the next day. For quite some time it has been a tradition for members of my family to hunt for pheasants on New Years Day. This year the day will be capped off by eating what we have hopefully shot and have a family meal. I know my two nephews are ready for this to happen. The meal will take place at our home and everyone is bringing something to make the meal whole.  I have a back up plan if we come home without any game. In my mind and heart I will be remembering those who can't be with us. 

Before we dine on fowl and other goodies, I plan on taking some time to pray for this new year with all family present. There are already clouds on the horizon that we will endure together and there are also days of happiness and sunshine coming. Through the love of Jesus we will make it through the good and the bad that might come our way. 

I guess that is what the oldest in our clan is supposed to do. I pray that these guys will gather on New Years day for many years to come and long after I am gone. I pray that the tradition of praying together before the hunt and giving thanks afterwards will be part of their lives forever. 

So as you look 2023 in the face, start it off with prayer and make a little time capsule of the day with a photo and a list of requests. This is something new I want to do and review it next year and add to it. My oldest nephew will be the keeper of the capsule and some day hand it down to another family member. 

Plans for the new year? Plan on making God the priority of 2023.



  1. Not much planned for New Years Eve?

  2. New Years Eve at our church will include Worship and a time of prayer to our Mighty God
