Friday, December 30, 2022

Assembling Some New Shelving Together 12/30/2022

 Good Morning,

I started this day with prayer and a hot mug of Door County Jingle Bell Java Coffee and now it is time to write. 

       Ecclesiastes 4:9 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor. 

This past week I noticed a shelving unit in our basement was starting to collapse due to age and the weight on the shelves.  It was a very cheap piece when I purchased it back in 1994 and it served it's purpose up until now. 

So yesterday I went to the local builders supply and home goods store to purchase a more substantial unit. My purchase was made and I brought it home to assemble and install it later. The unit was identical in size to the old one. From the start I knew that the assembly would require two people. My wife Rene was "voluntold" what our project would be after our evening dinner and she agreed to her enlistment. 

The first step was to empty the old shelving unit and tear it apart. Once we started in on that portion of our chore we discovered that there were some items that were no longer needed and could be taken to the dump. In addition I found two frying pans that I had been looking for and thought they had been misplaced forever.  All said and done we have a shelving unit that has plenty of spare room since we cleaned out the collection of items that should have been tossed awhile ago.

Cleaning out areas now and then is a good idea, especially in the winter. But that isn't the lesson for today. While we were assembling the new shelving, Rene remarked and said "There is no way one person could have done this" I refrained from replying with a wise cracker answer like "Ya Think? That's why you were invited to this party".  Instead I answered "I believe it was the designers intent to create a project of inclusiveness. I am happy we could be spending this time together and it shows the value of two people working toward a goal."

It is true. No way could I finish that project without another set of hands. I was once again reminded that I was blessed with a wife who doesn't mind working alongside of me and that the two of us accomplish a lot when we see and understand the goal. 

Before going to bed, Rene remarked "that was a good time tonight and it made a big difference in the basement." I replied "anytime spent with you babe is a bonus to my day." Her eyes rolled and we laughed and said I love you and called it a night.

Just remember to thank God for your spouse, they are a gift from above.
