Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Our Christmas Gift Didn't Come In A Box. 12/21/2022

 Good Morning,

The train down the tracks behind our home just sounded the horn and for some reason it seems louder than usual. It could be that the frozen ground is not absorbing any sound. It is very cold this morning and I am more appreciative of my hot mug of Door County Naughty And Nice Grog Coffee. 

Matthew 7:7 Ask and it will be given to you, Seek and you will fined. Knock and it will be opened to you. 

For the last four days my wife Rene and I have been visiting our daughter and grandson in the state of Georgia. We arrived home late last night as our part of the world prepares for a blizzard over the next couple of days. I am always up for a good snow storm. 

It was good to see both of them and we had all kinds of fun. We were also able to just sit and visit. As a family we watched a football game among other things. During that time our daughter celebrated her birthday and of course there was a huge chocolate birthday cake. We also exchanged birthday and Christmas presents. I have to say that on a scale of one to ten our visit was an eleven for sure. I do however need to diet a little now, as I came home heavier than when I left. 

I would like to zero in on one of the presents we received. Our daughter has a very good job, yet with her work situation she does not get paid for time off. She worked her schedule in such a way that she could spend time with us. I know that she will have to work some long hours now to keep up with a project or three. We received many thoughtful gifts from those two, yet the greatest gift of all was the gift of their time. Our truck came home filled with presents and goodies we picked up during our stay. But the thing that was filled and overflowing was our hearts. You can't put a price tag on that. But today we are back to the grind and we will live off of memories until we visit or they visit again. So today my heart is running a little empty, but so glad to have been given the gift of time. I already started my Christmas list for next year! 

Christmas will be here this weekend. Be sure to hug your loved ones. It's the gift that keeps on giving. 


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