Tuesday, December 13, 2022

A Really Good Chance Of A White Christmas 12/13/2022

 Good Morning,

The Door County Naughty and Nice Grog is hot and ready to be sampled. It is time to write.

Psalm 51:7 Purge me Lord, and I shall be clean, wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. 

I was listening to a long term weather forecast and the meteorologist said that our area of the world has a good chance of having snow on the ground for Christmas. I for one would call that a blessing. Fresh snow always make me think about Jesus. There is nothing like looking into our back yard and seeing a snow storm blanket on our property. Having two dogs gives me a pretty good chance of having some dog poop under the blanket of snow. The snow covers the mess underneath. The old frozen grass with it's doggie land mines are made beautiful. 

Faith in Jesus Christ cleans up our sin record and we are washed free of sin and made brighter than snow. So when you see snow, remember the One who has washed you whiter than snow. 



  1. I would love to see a white Christmas, it's been a long time since we had one here
