Thursday, December 22, 2022

No Where To Go And It Feels Good 12/22/2022

 Good Morning,

The day began with prayer and a hot mug of Door County White Christmas Coffee. It is good to have both of our dogs home with us. They were boarded while we were visiting our daughter. I made the trek to pick them up yesterday and do believe they are happy to be home. Both of them are asleep at my feet. 

Psalm 20:4 May He grant you your hearts desire and fulfill all your plans. 

Blizzard conditions will be the name of the game for the next two days and I for one am ready to just take care of the snow that will accumulate, stay warm and work on a couple refinishing  projects to stay busy. The only reason we would need to go anywhere is because of some emergency. They weather forecasters recommend staying off of the roads and that is just what we will be doing. We have all we need at home to get by and it feels good not to have to venture out. 

I will however make a trip out to the wood pile and bring in some more firewood and put that wood to good use. I will have extra time to remember others and pray. I know some folks will see this as a huge inconvenience and it is for those who need to travel, But for me this is an opportunity for more time in prayer and extra time to enjoy just being home. So my intention is to take a bad situation and take advantage of it and have it be used for good. 

I once had a friend of mine who was in the last stage of cancer. He was in the hospital basically waiting to die. He called me and asked if I could bring him something. I asked what he wanted and he told me to bring him a paper copy of our church directory. He was going to take his last few days on earth to call people at church and pray with them and for them. His goal was to be a blessing to others right up until he couldn't. 

I will never forget that and I hope that I will remember it some day when the end is near for me. Be a blessing right up to the end as long as you can. I brought him the directory and when I left him he had a huge smile on his face. A few days later he passed on to glory. We went to his funeral and people were still talking about how he called them and prayed for them in his last days. Not only did he desire to be a blessing, he followed through and was. We can desire to do good, but in order to achieve our said proclamation we have to follow through. Good intentions left unlaunched are just that. A goal without any results never helped anyone. So if you are thinking about a goal of good. Carve out time to do it. 

Food for thought! Let it snow. 


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