Sunday, December 4, 2022

Have a Spa Day 12/4/2022

 Good Morning,

This day began without enough sleep for me. My hot mug of Door County Candy Cane Coffee has me in the grips of it's warmth and it feels good. I will be sleeping earlier tonight. 

The day began with my prayers, mostly for others. I did however say a prayer of thanks for how our Christmas caroling event went last night. It was a blessing to say the least. I wrote about the event yesterday.

Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.

While we were caroling last night, my mind wandered quite a bit. I was wondering what God was thinking about our event and if we had missed anything. I would never venture out on a limb and say that God was pleased with our efforts or not. What I do know is that everything went well and by judging the looks on the faces of those being sung to and the fact that they joined in on the singing the event seems to be a success. 

The caroling didn't stop any wars. The Caroling didn't cure any sickness. The Caroling did not stimulate the economy. The Caroling didn't prevent any murders. The Caroling will never win a peace award. But it did unite a few nursing home residents and 27 church members in peace, joy and love for a few minutes. For that short time, it helped to remove all of the above from the minds  and hearts of others. The event helped clear the minds and hearts of turmoil, fear, and just plain old life. In review, I can say now that I wouldn't have missed it for anything. Last night we didn't just serve others and then fellowship over food. We celebrated Christmas in a big way! That I know for sure. 

Thought for the day Lose yourself into Christmas, even if it is only for a few minutes. Any escape from the world and it's issues is a spa day for the heart, mind and soul. 

God bless. 


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