Sunday, December 25, 2022

Merry Christmas. From My Heart To Yours. 12/25/2022

 Good  Morning,

My den is filled with two Springer Spaniels that are tired of the cold weather and want to get outside today and play around. I on the other hand am going at it a little slower and the plan is to enjoy my hot mug of Door County White Christmas Coffee. 

1 Peter 4:8 Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.

It is Christmas morning and except for me and the dogs all is quiet in our home. In a little while a fire will be started in the fireplace and we will prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus with family and of course some food. I am blessed to have family near and far. It isn't a large family but it is one that I wouldn't trade for the world. We don't always agree on everything but we agree on this, "when in doubt if you don't like something at least respect it."

So I will not bore you this morning with a long message. Christmas day should be a day when differences are set aside and if at all possible fences mended. Out pastor challenged folks to take the first step in reconciliation and there is no better time than Christmas day to do so, Make  the call. Accept the call. Don't let the day go by without healing some old wounds. 

With that I end my daily word of encouragement and say this to all who will read this. Merry Christmas.  From my heart to yours. God Bless



  1. Marty, A very Merry Christmas to you and all your loved ones near and far, God bless yours every one.
