Friday, December 2, 2022

Just Some Minor Problems 12/2/2022

 Good Morning,

It feels good to be drinking some of the Door County Coffee Christmas Blends now that December has arrived. This morning has my mug full of Mistletoe Mocha. I can work from home today so, a small fire is burning in the fireplace and it is chasing the chill out of the house. 

James 1:2 Count it all joy my brothers, when you me trials of various kinds. 3. For you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. 

As I was heading upstairs to the den to pray and write this morning I encountered my first small problem for the day. Nothing major, but at the time a little irritating. 

As I approached the stairs to the second floor I went to turn on the lights for the stairs and the landing above. Nothing happened. No lights. In my younger days I would traverse up and down those stairs in the dark. I eliminated that option a couple of years a go after having my knee joints replaced and stair steadiness was not as good as it was in my younger days. So instead of being an example of "Mayhem" for an Allstate commercial I have changed my wanderings to be well lit. 

The lights for the stairs can be controlled from three different switches. One at the bottom of the stairs, one at the top of the stairs, and one at the exit from one of the bedrooms on the North side of the house. I exercised the switch at the bottom a few times and nothing. I then traveled up the stairs to the next switch and turned that one on and off without success.  I then focused my eyes on the third switch and found that it had been bumped and was half way open or closed however you want to look at it. This did not allow the circuit to be activated. Once I touched it, the switch closed and when I used it I was able to turn the lights on. I recalled that my tornado of a wife was still decorating the house for Christmas and her last area to decorate was the upstairs. I believe I know who bumped that switch and caused the little problem last night. She was working into the night in the den on another project and just stayed upstairs for the rest of the night.

So my point is this, the day started, with a warm fire, coffee, prayer, and then the first little problem. I am grateful for the small problem, as I am sure my wife was wandering in the dark last night and just didn't think about all three switches. Now other lights from the bedrooms or bathroom would have helped her navigate, but this will be a good opportunity to teach her about the  three way circuit. 

As we get older and heaven is closer than it was a year ago, I have been showing Rene things that she would need to do around the house if heaven calls on me before her. She is well versed on furnace filters. I have had her start purchasing the filters and replacing them for a few months now. It is simple things that could cause her grief in my absence. It is important to leave instructions with your loved ones for when you aren't here anymore. Your responsibilities live on long after you are gone. Some day when she changes that filter she we know that she was loved enough to be taken care of, even if she doesn't see me. 

Food for thought. Share knowledge and don't assume there will always be another day. A little problem was a blessing in disguise. 


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