Wednesday, August 31, 2022

A Drink Of Water 8/31/2022

 Good Morning,

It didn't take too much to place a smile on my face this morning. A hot cup of Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee had me smiling right away. 

Last night I had my customary glass of sweet peach iced tea before going to bed. The sweet tea was a heavenly treat that I was looking forward to all day long. Just as I was drinking the tea a news cast was showing how folks in Mississippi are struggling to just get a bottle of water. They are in an epic mess. There are also other places in the world where a drought robs people and wildlife from a drink of water, 

Job 1:21 And he said," Naked I came into this world. And naked I shall return there. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord,

Friends never take anything for granted. A drink of water sounds simplistic to say the least but it is so vital to life that at times it is the most important thing one can take into their body to sustain life. Never assume that just because you have apple trees in your yard you will have apples. Last year because of the drought here in our part of the world we only had two apples to pick. This year the trees are loaded with nice apples. We have been dehydrating apples and making juice for the winter, 

God gives and He takes away. I always took for granted that heavy apple crop until it wasn't there. I guess we can do the same thing with people in our lives. We assume we will always have enough time to say what we need to say or do what we need to do. Treat encounters with your beloved family or close friends like a glass of water in a dry land. Enjoy family and friends. Let them know how you feel about them. 

Food for thought.


Tuesday, August 30, 2022

We Really Cannot Justify Our Tongues 8/29/2022

 Good Morning,

I pray you all slept well last night and I hope you have a decent cup of coffee for your wake up call today. I can hear the Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee brewing in the kitchen as I write. 

When I was coaching Little League Baseball many years ago, I used to throw the batting practice pitches. Now some of these kids were not very big and to throw a strike in that small window wasn't easy. We did not throw very fast to the kids, but it wasn't a lollipop kind of pitch either. Now and then as hard as we tried, a pitch would be off target and a kid would get popped with a pitch. It was a complete accident and it just happened. 

I am not so sure that anything that comes from our mouths is ever an accident.  Unlike our pitches to the kids, I can honestly say that now and then our aim and our arms let us down. But the words that come out of our mouths are conceived in our minds and actually live within our hearts. There could be plenty of reasons for someone to be hurt, angry, or confused at times. Yet we own our response and once it leaves our mouths it has a life of it's own. Your speech is never an accident. 

Here are three thoughts to ponder on controlling our speech.

Colossians 4:6 Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. 

Matthew 12:37 for by your words you will be justified and by your own words you will be condemned.

Matthew 12:36 I tell you, on the day of judgement, people will give account for every careless word they speak. 

Romans 12:17-18 Do not repay evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right before all people. 

As I write this daily blog, I can tell you that it isn't always written for others. Many a day goes by that the message was written for me to ponder as well.  

Food for thought,


Monday, August 29, 2022

One Hand In The Fire 8/29/2022

 Good Morning,

The weekend blew by so fast I think I missed it. But Monday is here and I have some work to do today. So it's time to drink some Door County Cherry Creme Coffee and write down some thoughts before I head out. 

James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. 

James 1:14 But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. 

I think it is fair to say that we can all agree that a fire is hot and it can burn you. A fire that is out of control can consume everything in it's way. I have never experienced bad burns but I have been burned just enough to know that I need to be careful around fire. 

The analogy that I want to make today is to compare life choices to fire. So for instance, I do believe the highway authorities do a pretty good job of posting the speed limits on the roads so we can beware of what is safe and legal. So when we travel over the speed limit we are running the risk, of being caught and fined or worse we could cause an accident and we or someone else could be injured due to our neglect. You could say that our choice to speed is like having one hand in the fire.

Another example is for an alcoholic to try and just drink socially and assume that they won't binge drink and cause a lot of trouble. You could possibly say that the wine at dinner for an alcoholic is like having one hand in the fire. Like a warm fire at night it draws you closer to the warmth, but before you know it your knickers are burning because you experienced the fire too closely.

Only you know what temptations are there that can burn you. You have yours and I have mine. But God knows as well. In His Word he advises us to flee from temptation. Never once have I read where God would advise us to stick around and see how much temptation we can withstand without having it pull us fully into failure. Keep your hands out of the fire. 

Food for thought. 


Sunday, August 28, 2022

The World Is Still Spinning 8/28/2022

 Good Morning,

This morning finds me holding a hot cup of Door County Vanilla Cream Brulee in my hands and it feels good on the arthritis in my hands. I have found one more reason to drink coffee. 

Colossians 1:16-17 For by him, all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions, or rulers or authorities, all things were created through Him and for Him. 17. And He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. 

Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God and the sky above declares His handiwork. 

The news never ceases to amaze me. Each day the news casts on television spew forth more bad news than good news. The television commercials are nothing more than political adds and I can tell you there is no meanness being spared in the messages. I don't see any end in site. 

But in the meantime the world keeps on spinning and hasn't fallen off of it's axis and it is still on it's pathway around the sun.  I find peace in the fact that  the sun will rise and the moon can still be seen and somewhere a healthy baby is taking his or her first breath as I write. It might be harder to find, but God still displays His majesty and power daily. It is there for you to grab on to, enjoy and be reassured of his sovereignty. 

So as I look out the window after warming my hands, I will mutter a thank you for one more day to be thankful for. I will rest assured through what I see that God is still on His throne. 


Saturday, August 27, 2022

Beware At All Times 8/27/2022

 Good Morning,

I just can't imagine this morning without a cup of Door County Cream Brulee Coffee to drink and enjoy while I study today. 

1Peter 5:8 Be sober-minded; Be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. 

We have by our own free will made a decision to purchase a wheel chair for my mother in law. Although she is doing much better since her fall a few months ago and I thank everyone for the prayers said for her, she needs a little assistance when attending events that require a lot of walking. The family goal is to get her to the county fair that she loves and participated in by entering her home goods and crocheting items for many years. In her greatest days she always had over 100  entries for judging. At 95 years old and after suffering a set back this year, she is down to five entries. We helped to gather them up yesterday and prepare them to be entered into the competitions. They are beautifully done and as we looked at them we saw not one flaw at all. So to enable us to take her to more venues that she would enjoy it was apparent that we would need a sturdy yet light weight wheel chair. 

Someone who knows their oats about wheel chairs recommended a certain brand. The only place that had this type was for me to purchase it online through the internet. They did not have a local distributor close enough for me to just pick one up. So I ordered through a mega distributor which if at all possible I don't do. Within 24 hours of making the purchase I started receiving scam calls telling me who the caller said was the "mega distributor" and that someone had purchased electronics on our charge card. The purchase was made according to them on the same day I placed an order for the wheel chair.  They were asking me for my credit card information, which if this were a legit call they would already have.  It was easy to know that I was being preyed on so the caller could ring up some more charges and well let's call it what it is "steal" from me. I asked them politely to drop the call  and stop calling. I did look at my drivers license and my birthdate to confirm that I had not been born yesterday. Now mind you. I was very polite. But the response I received when I asked them to drop the call was almost funny. They became very angry, calling me names and hurling insults like there was no tomorrow. I guess by calling them out I hurt their feelings or they are frustrated with being turned down. 

One thing I walked away with in the "learning department of life" is that we need to be very watchful over those we love. My mother in law fell for a phone scam a few years ago and lost a large sum of money. She probably would have been taken advantage of on this one also. I did verify that no other charges were made on our account just to be safe. Examine everything and beware of false claims to be helpful. 

Food for thought. 


Friday, August 26, 2022

The Last Thing You Needed Today 8/26/2022

 Good Morning,

The rain has stopped and it is looking to be a very beautiful day again here in my part of this world. My Door County Inn Keepers Blend Coffee is hot and it is time to write.

Luke 23:39-43 Then one of the criminals who were hanged blasphemed Him, saying, "If you are the Christ, save yourself and us."40, The the other, answering, said, " Do you not even fear God, seeing you are under the same condemnation? 41 And we justly so, for we are receiving the due reward for our deeds. But this man has done nothing wrong." 42. Then he said to Jesus, "Lord. when you enter your kingdom please remember me." 43. And Jesus said to him, "Assuredly, I say to you. This day, you will be with Me in Paradise."

Have you ever had one of those days when it was stressful to say the least? Problems seemed to out number solutions on a rough day that pushed your body to the limit and all you wanted to do is take your shoes off and rest! Then, just as you could see some peace and sanity coming along, the washing machine breaks and water spilled out on to the floor and the dogs are playing in the water. 

You are deep into cleaning up the mess and the door bell rings and it is one of your kids with two grand kids in tow. They have some suit cases packed and you hear that their marriage is over and she needs a place to stay with the kids. 

In the midst of a bad day, someone now needs to be the center of your attention and needs to be shown some compassion. You stop long enough to hug them, have the wife order some pizzas and quickly mop up the water for safety and despite how tired you are you turn all your attention to your child and the grandchildren.  Jesus had bad days as well while here on this planet. On one particular day he was hanging on a cross writhing in major pain, bleeding from many wounds and struggling to breathe. Despite all of that He showed compassion on others. He cared for his mother while hanging there and also handed  out some love and reassurance to the thief on the cross next to Him. 

Jesus set the precedent for showing compassion. Despite the day you are having, those needing compassion will show up. They need what you have and should at least for the moment get all of your attention and shown some love and compassion. 

I know it's hard to do, but a heart that beats best is one that beats for others.

Food for thought !


Thursday, August 25, 2022

Just Can't Resist Fighting. 8/25/2022

 Good Morning,

The day began early and it wasn't a surprise to me that the alarm clock was greeted with a resounding hit of the snooze alarm for 5 minutes. Yesterday was a long one and it lasted pretty late. So I salute the today with a hot cup of Door County Inn Keepers Blend Coffee. 

Have you ever wondered why some people just can't agree on anything? Or why a person just can't resist arguing? It makes you wonder why they live to pursue turmoil at every corner and opportunity that comes their way to argue . They are like unstable dynamite that has a short fuse. For some reason they attract to themselves the other half of what it takes to light the fuse.  They are always close to the match that sets them off. 

A peculiar trait of theirs is that they can't avoid the fight so they place the blame for the fight on others. "It wasn't me! it was their fault" They have no ownership of their own demise. 

I do believe that the root cause of this type of addictive, destructive behavior is SELFISHNESS and CONTROL. These folks want everything their way and they like to control the actions of others, especially those close to home. 

2 Timothy 3:1-5 But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. 2. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents and authorities, ungrateful, unholy, 3, heartless unappeasable, slanderous, without self control, not loving good, 4. treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lover of God, 5. having the appearance of godliness, but denying it's power. Avoid such people. 

My best advice I can offer for you if these are people you have to deal with is this,

1. Pray for God to lead them to make some positive changes. 

2. Protect yourself from listening too much to their toxic talk and actions. 

3. Don't be afraid to remove yourself from the situation. Some people will never change. 

God clearly tells us to avoid these people. Time to move on when it causes you anxiety and stress. 

Clean your plate if needed and see if life isn't just a little nicer. Can you imagine be crammed on a small island with them? I know I would learn to walk on water quickly.


Wednesday, August 24, 2022

If You Forget Me 8/24/2022

 Good Morning,

I have a lot of driving to do today and I have started out early to make my rounds and then get home. For the road I filled a Thermos Bottle with Door County In Keepers Blend Coffee and now it is time to write. 

I had someone leave a business card in my Bible back in July of 1981. I enjoyed using it as a bookmark  for many years. It had a picture of Jesus on the front. It was a simple sketch of his face. On the front it said this. "If you meet me and you forget me, you have lost nothing. If you meet Jesus and forget Him, you have lost everything". On the back was the Bible verse John 3:16

Psalm 9:17 the wicked shall return to Sheol, all those who forget God 

I never did find out who left that in my Bible but it sure rings true to this day. It wasn't the greatest of business cards for sure and to the best of my knowledge the author of the quote is still unknown. 

Some day I won't be on this earth and for awhile I will be remembered and then someday forgotten. I will however say this. If I did anything to lead you closer to Jesus, then I left His mark in your life and you will never forget Him. Only a faith in Christ can remain  forever. Put that thought in the right perspective and know this. You are a close to God as you choose to be. Don't wander so distant, that you forget Him. 


Tuesday, August 23, 2022

The Thorns Won 8/23/2022

 Good Morning,

Another morning is upon us and I welcomed it with prayer and a hot cup of door County Cherry Creme Coffee and now it is time to write.

I woke up this morning to a very cool room.  The blankets on our bed seemed to be more welcoming than ever. We have been blessed with warm days and cool nights for the last few weeks and I would have to describe it as perfect summer weather. 

Jeremiah 17:10 "I the Lord search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds. 

I have been avoiding a chore for a few weeks now and last night I tackled it. Armed with gloves and sheers I tackled trimming the thorny rose bushes along the South side of our garage. They are the type that really only bloom once in a season and the blooming is over for this year. They are lovely when the flowers appear and then they are nothing but a green bush. They tend to also produce thick, sharp thorns.

I started in on bush trimming last night and was very careful to avoid the thorns. But no matter how hard I tried to avoid them I still got poked about two dozen times and a few of the spear attacks produced blood. Now these small wounds are nothing really to speak of. They hurt at the moment when that needle punctured my skin and this morning I have one thumb that is reminding me that it had been invaded by a foreign, sharp object.

My point for the day is this. You can't work in the thorns without suffering some consequences. Life is the same way. If you choose the wrong path in life even for a short time you might or actually you will, suffer some consequences. The consequences might not be long lasting, but they are there to remind us that this path is best to be left unchosen. 

I will share an example. Spending money on wants, instead of needs can sting a little when the bill comes due and instead of being able to pay it off immediately you make a minimum payment which now adds interest to you purchase. You had no idea that the car would break down, but it did and now the other expenditure stings like a thorn.  I wouldn't want to trim more rose bushes today. I know one thumb that doesn't need anymore needles. 

You might have good intentions with the life path you choose at the moment. But you cannot walk among the thorns without knowing you are there. It will eventually sting. 

So be wise in your choices and avoid the thorns of life by doing so. Guard your actions in prayer. 


Monday, August 22, 2022

Did Not Like It. But I Had To Do It. 8/22/2022

 Good Morning. I just poured a hot mug of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee and it is time to write. 

Yesterday I placed an order for new tennis shoes or as some would call them sneakers. Whatever the name is I needed a new pair. I am one who expects things to last for a long time. When I remarked to my wife that I had a blow out on the right shoe, she replied, "you bought those four years ago and I will say you got your money's worth out of that pair.". I hit the disagree button on that conversation and exclaimed,  "I think they should last for at least six years. I only wear them two or three times a week." She just laughed and called me "Cheapo!"

Photo Credit Deposit Photos. 

I just believe that things should be made to last. All cars should have a warranty for 250,000 miles and that includes rust. Building in obsolescence is poor business in my mind. Jeans should last at least 5 years and also have a warranty. Don't get me started on air conditioners, furnaces, washing machines and dryers which should all last a minimum of 15 years. 

John 5:24 Truly, truly I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes Him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgement, but has passed from death to life. 

Well I needed the sneakers/tennis shoes so I placed the order even thought I did not want to. I settled down and then reflected. I guess there is only one thing that lasts forever and that is eternal life in heaven through Jesus Christ our Lord. And to put it in perfect perspective it is the most important thing in a person's life. It won't rust or be taken away. It will never fail. It doesn't need a warranty because it is unbreakable, unsinkable and nonstop able.  You can bank on it.

Have a great day. 


Sunday, August 21, 2022

An Attitude Of Gratitude 8/21/2022

 Good Morning,

As I sit and write today a hot cup of Door County Country Morning Breakfast Blend Coffee is next to me and two tired hunting dogs are asleep on my feet. 

Last night after our Saturday evening church service my wife, my best buddy and myself hosted a fried chicken dinner in our café. We had been talking about doing this for about 6 months. It started as just an idea and then it grew some legs a couple of months ago. We had been praying about this for a long time and despite a week of trials that would discourage anyone, we made it to the finish line. As always the three of us will review the event and see what worked and what did not work and adjust as needed. I don't see a lot of changes coming about. The meal went over very well with those who attended and there wasn't a thing wasted. 

One item that I want to talk about is what it took during this last week. As usual Satan took some shots at us and worked hard to wrinkle the sheets every day as we drew closer to the event. I found it very difficult to guard my attitude all week long. Scheduling difficulties, plugged drains, broken cars, sore shoulders and a mother in law that needed attention, all worked hard to discourage this band of three. 

The food ended up being delicious and everyone seemed to enjoy the evening feast. But as I replayed the event and the week the led up to it I learned one big lesson. It wasn't the food that God really cared about. He was more concerned with the three hearts that were preparing, the food, serving it and cleaning up. I known that at times last week all three of us suffered from bad attitudes. 

2 Thessalonians 2:16-17  May our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who loved us by His grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, 17. encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word. 

So, this morning I checked on my attitude and recalled the compliments toward the three of us for pulling this event off. I will accept the compliments and  thanks, but in keeping my attitude checked I am grateful for how God provided all that was needed for the event and how He came through for us on things He knew we would need and didn't plan on. I have the attitude of gratitude today and I will do my best to keep it there. It is a nice place to be sitting! To God be the glory. 

God bless,


Saturday, August 20, 2022

The Power Of A Seed 8/20/2022

 Good Morning,

My day began with prayer and a very tasty mug of Door County Country Morning Blend Coffee. The coffee is so tasty that I believe I will have two cups.

Hosea 10:12 Plant goodness, harvest the fruit of loyalty, plow the new ground of knowledge. 

This has been an unusual year for both of our gardens. The flowers took a beating when the temperatures closed in on the 100 degree mark and the vegetables are perplexing to say the least. But through it all I have been watching  a small flower grow in one of the most unusual spots. The flower showed up in the middle of some decorative stone in one of the hottest spots on our property. It wasn't planted there and I almost killed it, thinking it was a weed. But there it is, thriving and reaching toward the sun. A small seed from flowers last year must have fallen down between the stones and found enough nourishment, sun and water and now it has blossomed. It survived a harsh winter and a hot summer, 

The point I am making is, this small seed grew in stone, and has been the object of our amazement. Great power is seen in this small plant as it has a will to live. Now bear with me here. That small seed as given the two of us something to talk about. It is the same with seeds of kindness and a good word now and then. Plant a word or action or of kindness and watch it grow,  Give your spouse a compliment or a thank you. Send a cake to someone to celebrate another year of employment. Place a sign in the yard congratulating one of the kids for making a team. Remove the heavy snow of winter for a widow and bring her some hot chocolate.. The small seeds of kindness can push through the stones of hurt and despair and bring forth music to a soul that has been silenced by the world. One act of kindness can blossom in the harshest times in life.  

So I end this babble with this. Let your kindness blossom and never pull it from where it was planted. 

Have a great day. 


Friday, August 19, 2022

Strength Needed For The Moment 8/19/2022

 Good Morning,

Door County German Chocolate Cake Coffee was poured into my mug this morning and I for one felt like I just drank my dessert! 

Yesterday was a beautiful day and I spent some of the day dehydrating fruit for the winter. I however ventured out for a vaccine that was due and I went in search of some items that my wife said were needed for the weekend. 

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. 

My search was pretty much useless and I could not find what she needed. I also had promised our neighbor that since I was going out I would look for a certain candy that her husband likes and I would purchase it and bring it to them. Again I struck out and the candy couldn't be found. 

As I was leaving my last shot at being able to come home somewhat victorious, I saw a young mother and her two little kids standing by their automobile looking forlorn. I decided to walk over and ask if there was anything wrong and if there was could I help. Then I saw the flat tire and some tears in Mom's eyes. She was supposed to pick up her husband at the airport and she just stopped for a few minutes of shopping. I asked her if she had a spare tire and they answer was positive yet her look was negative. She explained that she had been trying to loosen the spare from it's mounting and could not get it loose. The car jack was also behind the spare tire. I tried the big wing nut myself and it would not budge. This was even after I prayed for this to go smoothly. No blessing of super human strength came through. But, one of my purchases was a can of penetrating oil. I took the spray and squirted some on the wing nut and waited. Then I recalled that I hadn't removed some tools from the truck that I was using the night before at a friends house. I had  a hammer and after some good taps on one side of the wing nut, it started to loosen up and we were in business. My new young friend asked me if she could use the can of penetrating oil and she began to spray the lug nuts on the wheel we would be changing. 

Soon we had the tire loose and the car jacked up and we had the spare on in a few minutes. The young lady was full of thanks and actually was still on time for the airport. But here is what she said. "I was praying for someone to stop and ask if they could help. Although that wing nut was on so very tight and rusted a little, I believe God answered my prayer when you swung the hammer. You had some tools and knew how to use them. But I believe God delivered those precise whacks." I agreed with her and told her if it weren't for the candy I couldn't find, I would not have been in that parking lot. 

God delivered and right on time. 


Thursday, August 18, 2022

Down The Drain 8/18/2022

 Good Morning,

This morning rolled in gently and a slow day is needed. I just poured one of my favorite Door County Coffee Flavors into a large mug. It has been a long time since I have treated myself to Chocolate Cherry!

Photo credit Home Depot

Last night I was able to help out tow of my friends with unplugging their kitchen drain. We struggled a bit getting the water to drain freely. To say the least it was a "tough one". We hung strong together and battled until we won. But let me tell you about a little plugged drain miracle. 

Philippians 4:6-7 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. 7. and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and mind through Christ Jesus. 

I arrived at their home with tools and good will. We started in on the clog with a fury and passion to get their kitchen in usable order. My electric drain auger was lent out for someone to use and it was returned. I should have inspected it, as once into the project I discovered that the cable was kinked badly and had been shoved into the housing. This only allowed for me to get a third of the cable out of my machine. We did auger the drain from the top side in the kitchen as far as it would reach. Which I discovered was actually through the location of the clog. So the cable actually went through the clog and the drain refuse closed up behind it and around the cable. 

The project then took us to the basement below and we inspected the pipe from an access point and the drain was open from there forward. It didn't take long to realize that we would need to cut the piping in the lateral run and take a look in another direction. I made a run back home for a repair coupling and very soon we had the pipe cut open and much to my surprise the pipe was clean and open. That meant the vertical piece had to be plugged. We inserted the drain cable and went up into the pipe and nothing let loose. There should have been water coming down. 

I looked at my buddy and at the same time we knew where we had gone wrong. We always tell everyone to pray about everything.  Being two guys who like to "Get it done" we dove into the project without praying. The drain auger cable was stuck and we stopped. We both admitted where we went wrong and bowed out heads to ask to be forgiven for not praying and we petitioned God for help. I finished praying and touched the drain cable and all the water that was backed up in the vertical pipe came gushing down as well as a whole lot of of drain refuse. God unplugged the drain and at the same time humbled the two morons working without His hand on us. I went home after my friend shewed me out. He wouldn't let me clean up the mess with him. I believe both of us said a prayer of thanksgiving and praise before I left and the lesson learned was a tough one. 

My friends, pray about everything. 


Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Good Call Mom 8/17/20022

 Good Morning,

Another day, another cup of Door County Cream Coffee and now it is time to write. 

Some harvesting of our garden and apple trees began a couple weeks ago. I have been drying or if you want to say it this way dehydrating some fruit and vegetables. I found a deal on mangos last week and threw one in the food dryer yesterday. The results were so good that I will be drying more this weekend. 

Leviticus 19:32 You  shall stand up before the gray head and honor the face of the old, and you shall fear your God.

My wife Rene and I started drying a few things three years ago. Although we have owned the food dryer for about twenty years. It was Christmas gift from my parents one year. I looked at it and said thank you, but later said to my wife. "Just what we need, something else that will chew up more of my time and I will feel obligated to use it". Well, a few years ago we started to thin out the shelves in our home and rid ourselves of small appliances on the shelf that weren't being used. We actually had three popcorn makers and a plenty of George Foreman Grills.  On the back of the shelf and hidden in a corner was the food dryer, never used and in the original box. Rene, thought that it would sell fast for a dollar or two in a rummage sale. To our surprise, it did not sell at all and we couldn't even give it away. 

I took it back to the basement and thought about it for awhile. I decided that it would be a shame to not have used it at all. So I unboxed it and washed it up. I read the directions and decided to dry some peppers and apple slices. To be very honest, they turned out so well that before I new it I had dried enough veggies and fruit to hold us through the fall and some of the winter, 

So here I am to say to the world "Mother knew best". She used to ask me if I used the dryer and I didn't lie to her. I would just say "some day Mom, some day! This fall, when I am munching on some apple chips in a cold duck blind I will remember my mother and her advice, "Eat dried fruit it will help you poop." If I have to hang my butt out over the side of my boat I will laugh and say "Mom had the last laugh, But my advice to all. No matter their age, they are your parents and you can learn from them right up to the end. 

God bless,


Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Washing Away The Worst 8/16/2022

 Good Morning,

Morning arrived and it didn't come a a surprise. I just poured a hot cup of Door County Jamaican Me Crazy Coffee and it is time to write. 

John 13:5 After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash His disciples' feet and drying them with towel wrapped around His waist. 

In my Bible text this morning we are reminded of the time where Jesus poured water and washed the feet of His disciples. Back then, they walked unpaved roads, wearing sandals. This made for some pretty dirty feet. So when Jesus was washing these feet he was cleaning up the dirtiest part of their bodies. He took was was filthy and made it clean.

1John 1;9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 

My point will be short today. many people scroll away and hide the deepest sins of their lives believing that God cannot forgive them and has no desire to clean them up. It is just the opposite. God desires to take even the worst of the worst and wash it away, giving us new life and a hope that wasn't there before. 

So think on this. God washes away the worst of the worst as well as the least of the least. Nothing is there that God cannot clean up, if we let Him.

Have a great day!


Monday, August 15, 2022

Much Deeper Thoughts Than Mine. 8/15/2022

 Good Morning.

 I brewed a pot of Door County Jamaican Me Crazy Coffee this morning and it is doing this old body good. It is time to write.

Psalm 92:5 O Lord, how great are your works. Your thoughts are very deep. 

Every now and then my wife Rene will use an expression that I haven't heard in a long time. While driving home yesterday from visiting her mom, I was quiet and to be honest in deep thought. Rene asked me "A penny for your thoughts"? I haven't heard anyone say that for years and years. I told her that my weak minded thoughts weren't worth a penny. I have been wondering about a few things and have asked God for His thoughts on the subject, knowing full well that His thoughts are much higher than my thoughts.  When I compare God's thoughts to mine it is like trying to swim to the bottom of the ocean and view the Titanic.

Photo Credit Wikipedia

I give you an example. We read, study and seek a physicians advice and expertise to preserve our body and extend life. God however is more concerned about saving the soul. We love a new car that some day will rust, and God loves what endures forever. We avoid pain and God used pain to bring peace. 

So to put it in perspective no way can I even compare any of my thoughts with God's thoughts and basically on the value scale His thoughts are priceless and mine are over priced at one penny. Where we fail to make it work is when we follow our thoughts and not follow God's plan or thoughts. 

We are willing to risk sinking our life by being stubborn and believing too much in our own thoughts and efforts.  

Food for thought on this Monday. 


Sunday, August 14, 2022

Failure To Communicate 8/14/2022

 Good Morning,

The day began with the same prayer that put me to sleep last night. I just filled my mug with some hot Door County Blueberry Cobbler Coffee and it is time to write. 

Yesterday we attended the wedding of a friend of ours and as weddings go I would have to say that the ceremony was beautiful. It was just the right length and the pastor's message was right on the money. Two points that the pastor made were outstanding and applied to not only the two people getting married but were very appropriate reminders for the rest of us. 

James 1:19 Know this my beloved brothers. Let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger. 

I want to zero in on one of the points and that was for the couple to not fail to communicate. I will tell you this. I speak very little Spanish. Not even really enough ability to communicate when I visit a country where Spanish is spoken. I can say good morning  and a few other phrases to at least invoke a smile on the face I am passing on the streets where I am visiting. But to be able to find a doctor or a bridge of importance, that is a struggle. I usually enlist the assistance of an interpreter when I travel and at times I believe what I say loses what I really mean in the interpretation.

So you would think that it would be easy for a couple who speaks the same language to communicate with each other. Where I see the failure in the communication between a couple are a few points I will strive to make today,

1. Very often now days communication takes place with our cell phones by texting. Answers are often messed up when added emotions such as all capital letters are used or exclamation marks are added. Face to face is the best way to communicate.

2. In times of turmoil and when something needs to be worked out, pray before you talk things over. But remember Billy Graham you are not. Pray together without peaching to one another in your prayer. "Lord please have him or her grow up" is not a prayer, it is preaching to the other person that you desire for them to grow up. Keep the preaching out of your prayer. Pray together and invite God to assist you with your meeting.

3. Keep the interpreters in a cage and throw away the key. Friends and family are wonderful, but when they are used to interpret the feelings of the other person for you, that phone line is broken. For instance. " I believe  he or she feels this way and therefore......  No one knows the true feelings of anyone except the owner of the feelings and unless shared it is a crap shoot to be able to figure it out. 

4. Control your emotions if at all possible. It is difficult enough to hear as it is when there is stress on a relationship. But when someone hits "rage" on the anger meter  the lines of communication are broken.

Psalm 37:8 Cease from anger, and forsake wrath. Do not fret, it only causes harm. 

5. In some instances and I say this from experience, men do not like to talk and share emotions. We are like clams and women are like crowbars trying to solicit our thoughts,  feelings and emotions. The constant prying to get us to open up is a source of irritation. And women like lots of details. So men. remember that and try to accommodate within reason

6. Communicate often on everything. Schedules are another source of battles, and should be planned out ahead of time without making assumptions. 

7. Never think that you were blessed with all the knowledge you need about life and admit you need to learn something every day about your relationship and your communication style. Grow as you communicate and don't clip the new vines of knowledge before they even grow to maturity. 

Proverbs 18:13  if one gives an answer before he hears it is his folly and shame. 

8. And this one should have been number one. To effectively communicate you both must listen with your ears and your heart. Many a person is thinking of their response while someone else is talking and then they miss the point that was being made. Men are especially good at this one. We just want to hear enough to form an opinion and then we want to fix what needs to be done and fix it quick. Women however have a tendency to want to make communications a long drawn out process. Ladies, no one ever said "Lets make mixing concrete" by hand a process that takes years and years. We see the sidewalk that needs to be poured and we want to have at it. 

Last point. Budgets, issues, kids, family, work, schedules and other things that escape my mind should be in the past. Brnging up old hurts usually leads to added frustration in communications. 

Ephesians 4:32 And be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving one another as Christ forgave you. 

In all things act like the children of God should and talk often. Failure to communicate is just what it is. Failure!

Have a blessed day.


Saturday, August 13, 2022

Your Mission Statement 8/13/2022

 Good Morning,

As I promised yesterday I have brewed a pot of Door County Blueberry Cobbler Coffee and am celebrating a worry that was removed from my plate yesterday. Praising God for that one. Thank you for all the prayers that were said. The coffee is going down good and it is time to write. 

In my past career, part of my duties or responsibilities included interviewing businesses so I could solicit bids from them to perform work in the health care system I worked for. I would go over each bid with a fine tooth comb and usually look at the bids side by side. Most everyone would think that the most important thing that I looked at would be the financial bottom line, but that wasn't always the ultimate deciding factor. I had other things I was looking for that helped me decide. 

The bids were often sent to me with the Company's mission statement of service, reliability, and professionalism goals. Once I got close to a decision I would interview the leader they had designated for me to work with. I would often look at the mission statement and ask them how they achieved their statements. Then I would ask them what their employee turnover rate was and if they believed that they had happy employees. Usually within their mission statement was the word or two about their great staff. The evidence of a great staff is contentment and reliability of the staff. 

So for today I want to talk about our personal "Mission Statement". You can make it as simple as can be or you can get very elaborate in writing one for yourself. Tonight when I preach I will be getting a little more elaborate on our own personal mission statements. 

But for this morning, I want to share with you what I believe every person needs to start with and once that is established all the other points will fall into place. 

The number one goal in our mission statement is this. 

Matthew 22:37-38 Jesus said to him. "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. 38.This is the first and great commandment. 39.And the second is like it; You shall love your neighbor as yourself."

Much good can be said about a man or woman with this verse as their mission statement. 

Food for thought.


Friday, August 12, 2022

From My Heart To Yours 8/12/2022

 Good Morning,

I am ready to start this day and embrace the medical test I will be partaking in with gusto. No coffee for me this morning. But later I will be tasting some Door County Blueberry Cobbler Coffee. 

Yesterday was a rough day and as hard as I tried I just wasn't myself. My wife Rene was well prepared to help me along with two kinds of Jell-O and plenty of chicken broth. She made sure I had everything I needed. 

Her kindness took me back a thousand years to our wedding day. For some reason I could not get our vows out of my head. So as I was having a very fond memory, I thought I would share what we said to each other that day a thousand years ago. 

Ruth 1:16-17  "Entreat me not to leave you,

Or to turn back from following after you;

For wherever you go I will go: And wherever you lodge I will lodge.

Your people shall be my people and your God my God.

And where you die, I will die, and there will I be buried. 

The Lord do so to me, and that much more also, 

If anything but death parts you and me. 

We didn't write our vows, but borrowed these from the book of Ruth.  My prayer for all of you is that you will be able to recall a fond memory and share it with someone. Events come and go. But the memory of them lasts forever and to be honest the memory is sometimes better that the actual event. A vow made a thousand years ago is better today then it was yesterday and it will be even better tomorrow and the days after that. 

God bless,


Thursday, August 11, 2022

Comedy Within The Family 8/11/2022

 Good Morning,

The day has dawned and I am not drinking coffee this morning due to needing some medical testing done. But later tomorrow morning I will make up for it with a huge cup of door County Blueberry Cobbler Coffee. 

Psalm 139:16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance. In your book were written every one of my days that were formed for me, when as yet there were none. 

The other day our nephew sent out a text message to the family members which includes my wife and I, two nephews and their family members , my brother and his significant other. She truly is significant. I will explain in a minute. 

His text message was so simple, so it would seem. He posed an idea to us. Should we plan a family dinner/get together? That always sounds good to me. We started throwing some potential dates out there and it began to look like a group of handless monkeys trying to throw a football to one another. We just couldn't agree on a date for this event that would work for everyone. 

Now enters Kim who sent out a calendar invitation so we could choose a couple of dates from two months of times and choices. I laughed until I cried. Great idea . But I soon realized that this makes five calendars that I have to manage and they are not easily synced together. We are getting closer to a date and a time but nothing is cemented in yet. I am thinking we might have a shot at this in 2023 and we could meet for breakfast at midnight in three different places and put it on Zoom. I never realized how busy we all are until we tried to stop for a day and get together. 

Nothing wrong with being busy, but it has it's downside as well. My point for the day is this. If at all possible plan your funeral date way ahead of time! I am just kidding on that one. When it comes to time management there is one thing to remember. We really don't own our days. There will come a time when getting together with the way the family is now , because family dynamics, will change. One day there might be more members within the family and then there eventually will be less. God really does own our calendars and the best we can do is to manage them the best we can. But as each day goes by, it is one less day that we can gather with anyone. Oh, and be thankful for ZOOM and Jimmy Dean sausages if that breakfast is made in your own kitchen at midnight. 


Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Bring On The Sunshine. 8/10/2022

 Good Morning, 

Hey I just poured a hot cup of Door County Irish Cream Coffee and now it is time to write. 

Philippians 1:6 Being confident of this one thing. He who has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.

Have you ever noticed that the disposition of people on a mild sunny day seems to be much better than on the cold and rainy days. I used to  listen to my grandma say "I think it will rain tomorrow, my legs hurt." I thought that her ability to predict the weather with her aging bones was a bit of a stretch of the truth. Now that I am her age I totally believe in the "Body Barometer" I can tell you when it is going to rain or snow just by the pain in my joints the day before it happens. 

My point for today is that besides some weather related pain it can also make a bad day worse and often leads to a little crankiness. What I use as a mood improver is to place myself in the Glow of Son Shine.  

I spend some time in prayer and in reading my Bible. I read in the New Testament about the ministry of Jesus and that time with the Son of God improves my outlook on life.  Bring On The Son Shine!

Have a great day!!!


Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Living Large 8/9/2022

Good Morning,

I am ready to start this day. I have the opportunity to work with a new hire with the company I work for. I am looking forward to the time spent with a new "coworker". I have already had all the Door County Irish Cream Coffee I need and it is time to write. 

Matthew 5:16. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

I chose today to talk about living large. This term might cause you tot think that I am talking about a wild, spend lots of money and live as if you owned the world life. Not exactly. My thought for today is this. Picture me taking you up in a helicopter and after were were up a couple thousand feet I tossed you out of the helicopter to see what kind of splat you made upon the earth. You could say you lived large for a moment. Your impact on the world just made a splat and a mess.  

What I am advising you to do is to leave a large impact on the world around you. The circle of your influence. Be known as one who exhibits large amounts of kindness. Make an impact on the world in a positive way. Make an impact on the life of a youngster as a mentor. Leave a lasting impression of positivity and Godly faith. Put your name on a project of philanthropy and finish it to completion. 

This my friends is my definition of living large.  How do you define it? 


Monday, August 8, 2022

A Sweet Tooth 8/8/2022

 Good Morning,

The day began in a rush and it looks to be a busy one for sure. I enjoyed my Door County Vanilla Creme Brulee Coffee before writing and it is time to get started. 

                                                             Photo Credit Bigoven.Com

Proverbs 16:24 Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body. 

I am assuming that you may have heard the expression "I have a sweet tooth" directed at something edible and desirable. It is often used in this type of context. I have a sweet tooth for brownies with a half inch of frosting on top. It means that if given a choice between frosting covered brownies and something else, you will probably choose the brownies. If you can't tell by now, I have a sweet tooth for frosting laden brownies. 

Just a reminder that as you long for some sweet treat which is your favorite, if you are married or dating the sweetness you need to be longing for is time spent with your better half. The apple of your eye, the crunch in your cereal, the ketchup on your burger, the sugar for your coffee, and here is the best one. The sun on your garden of life. 

We need to share that information and let them know that a day without them is like a brownie without frosting. It never hurts to reaffirm your love someone and that is easily accomplished by speaking it to them. 

Think about it. One corny, but sincere  line , might just be what someone needs to hear.


Sunday, August 7, 2022

Lord, Hear My Prayers 8/7/2022

 Good Morning,

This day began with a light rain and according to the forecast it might rain a whole lot more. The dreary weather is making the Door County Vanilla Creme Brulee Coffee taste even better. Nothing like a hot cup of coffee to start the day off.

Psalm 66:17-20 I cried to Him with my mouth and high praise was on my tongue.

18. If I had cherished iniquity in my heart, The Lord would not have listened . 19.But truly God has listened . He has attended to the voice of my prayer.

20.Blessed be God because he has not rejected my prayer or removed his steadfast love from me. 

Before I started to write I sat down and prayed for awhile. Some heavy requests were lifted up on behalf of others and a couple for ourselves. The prayers were for the health of some dear friends and the war in Ukraine as well as for the safety on our streets. Prayer for the politics of the world received some prayer as well as prayer for upcoming elections. You could say that it was a broad band of prayer requests that were sent up to heaven this morning. I prayed for a few folks who are dealing with emotional issues and some who are planning weddings. 

The point I am headed to is this. I am not sure as to how God will answer these prayers. He may or may not grant my petitions. His answer could be yes, no, or "wait with patience". He could grant my requests. But I know this. He heard me and knows the heart that is filled with caring, worry and love for others. I rest in the fact that He knew what I would request before it even left my lips. I only have two jobs to do with the requests. They are for me to have faith that they were heard and the second job is to trust God to answer with His will for the request and that He is God, and He created this world and will answer in a way that He sees fit for the requests. I need to trust in His plan. 

Proverbs 19:21 Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand. 

To stay on course while waiting on God and accepting the no answers that do not seem to align with my requests isn't always easy . I would be lying if I did say they were easy. But I have found that the "no" answers are there and I need to accept them when they come. They often draw me in a different direction in my prayers. I ask for strength to carry me through those times and for peace in my heart. I seem to draw closer to God when I need Him to give me peace of heart.

Isaiah 26:3 You keep him in perfect peace, who's mind is stayed on you, because he trusts on you. 

This is a hard message for many of us to swallow, but friends never stop praying. Keep trusting in God to carry you though those days when the answer of no is hard to accept. 

Matthew 5:4 "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. 

Food for thought on a rainy Sunday. Don't be shy when it comes to saying " lord I am weak right now, I need your hand of comfort and strength to carry on today.


Saturday, August 6, 2022

Seasonal Hay Fever 8/6/2022

 Good Morning, 

According to the weather forecast we are in for a very hot day. I don't have all that much to do today in the sun, so I will work on a few projects in the shade and enjoy some sweet peach iced tea.

Psalm 103:2 Bless the Lord O my soul and do not forget all His benefits. 

For as long as I can remember I have fought with Seasonal Hay Fever. It usually arrives to my nose and eyes in early August and does not leave until that first frost in October. Some years are worse than others and I can tell you this year is started out as a doozy. People are telling me that it might be covid this year. I tested at home and am negative. It is my annual allergy for sure.

I do recall my mother taking me to see the pediatrician back when I was very young for this nagging infirmity and his response was to take an over the counter drug called Allerest and that we weren't to worry because "he will grow out of it". I am 65 years old now and I am still waiting to grow out of it.

I found this issue to be most irritating during my football years. Rolling around on the ground did nothing to help the symptoms of a runny nose and itchy eyes. I once sneezed in a game and caused the whole team to go off side. A penalty assessed from my nose! LOL. 

Friends I am not writing to whine and complain, as Mom always said there are plenty of people who have a lot worse things going on in their lives than hay fever. So as I look forward to the first frost and sit here with a runny nose, I am counting the blessings I have, and not counting the things I don't have.

A runny nose and itchy eyes are nothing compared to a cancer diagnosis, or a still born baby, loss of a limb, death of a family member, crippling illnesses like Muscular Dystrophy , ALS and the list goes on and on. I have even adopted the idea that hay fever gives me something to look forward to. "My first morning walk on a frost covered lawn with a hot cup of coffee in my hand is always special."

So today if you have time look around and list your blessings and remember someone has it worse than you and if you can pray for the ones you know. It never hurts to pray for anyone. When I do that, it seems to make my list of issues smaller and very insignificant.

Have a great day! And pass the tissues. 


Friday, August 5, 2022

Protect Your Sweet Spot 8/5/2022

 Good Morning,

The old coffee maker is brewing a fresh pot of Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee. I am headed at this day with sheer gusto and a plan for to come home quickly from a few chores. 

Today leads me to talk about defending yourself from the attacks of Satan. In the fight ring two opponents will spar a little before really getting down two throwing the big punches. During the sparring they are looking for a consistent opening in the defense of the "other guy". Once they see a pattern or a weakness, they have found the sweet spot and they attack that spot without mercy.

Satan is evil but also quite crafty. He knows just when and where to attack you. His goal is to lead you astray, depression, or anger. Debt is one way he destroys people. He will tempt you to borrow and overspend. Once Satan identifies your sweet spot, the temptations galore start coming at you like a boxer pounding on a speed bag. For instance if lying is your problem, he sends situations that would make it easy to lie or exaggerate. Maybe you have the weakness of stealing. He won't tempt you with a plate of cocaine that you would turn away from, but bet on this, he will put you in a place where stealing would seem ok or easy and then convince you to reason out why stealing is ok. 

You must protect your sweet spot from attack at all times. Jesus endured temptations from Satan and He fought him off with God's sword , His word.  

After fasting for forty days and nights, Satan came to tempt Jesus with food to prove He was who he said he was.  

Luke 4:3-4 The devil said to Him, "If you are the Son Of God, command these stones to become bread" And Jesus replied, "Man doe not live by bread alone, but from every word that comes from the Father.

I find it helpful when tempted to repeat Scripture out loud to fight the evil one off. I use the Scripture to send Satan packing and protect me from his games and from myself from giving into the temptation. 

Psalm 119:11 I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against thee.

James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you. 

Time to memorize a few verses of Scripture to protect your sweet spot and then take the devil by the ears and open up a can of whoop butt on him. 

Happy Day!


Thursday, August 4, 2022

If You Is Where You Was 8/4/2022

 Good Morning,

I am enjoying some Door County Inn Keepers Blend Coffee as I write today. Let this morning begin.

I have been in prayer most all last night and into this morning. Have you ever wondered what causes someone to repeatedly walk right back into the same sin over and over again.? I have been contemplating that question for awhile now. This especially is bothersome when you witness it in the hearts of those claiming Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Romans 10:13 Everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. 

Friends, the Bible does not contradict itself. To call upon the Lord is a personal call and and shows a desire to repent and admit the need for a Savior. The next passage shows what happens when the call is not sincere . 

Matthew 7:21-23 Not all who sound religious are really Godly people. They may refer to me as Lord, but still won't enter heaven. For the decisive question is whether they obey my Father in heaven. 23. At the judgement many will say to me Lord Lord , we told others about you, and did works in your name and did many other great things. 24. But I will reply, you have never been mine. Go away with your evil deeds. 

A wise old preacher once said, "If you is where you was, maybe you ain't". This is a tell tale sign that God is not the center of a heart. There is the façade of being a righteous person and it looks good, but the surrender of the heart just really never happened. The persons in question still have the desire to talk the talk, but not walk the walk. 

Once someone asks Christ into their heart you usually see a change in their desires, life choices and performance. If there is no change or a sincere desire to change I often ask them to go back and really desire a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. In other words the fruit of repentance is not evident and what is lacking is fear of God and a true love for Him. An emotional response to an alter call can be just that, emotions of the moment. But God sees the heart. 

When God desires to get the attention of a true believer or someone who's lifestyle is mocking God,  He might provide circumstances that seem harsh, and often this results in punishment which can take almost any form. God corrects His children and will pursue them and bring them to their knees. Or He uses circumstances to place a call on the unbeliever's heart. 

But if the reprobate heart continually chooses sin over a Godly life you have to wonder if the commitment was ever really made. A change of heart is needed and it starts with placing God at the head of the life. 

For those who are dealing with this situation with family or friends, I recommend prayer, prayer, prayer, and fasting. Don't be afraid to approach the subject with the lost soul. Every man or woman in bad spiritual shape can change if they truly desire to. They are good people in bad shape.

I rambled a little this morning, but it came straight from my heart.

Love to all.


Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Taking A Look Inside Of A Mine 8/3/2022

 Good Morning. 

This day is starting very early for me and I am drinking my cup of Door County Inn Keepers Blend Coffee later this morning. It is now time to write. 

2 Timothy 3:16-17 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17. that the man of God may be complete and equipped for every good work. 

Photo Credit Adventure Mining Company Greenland Mi

Our grandson was a young boy when we decided to tour and old copper mine in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.  The guided tour was an exciting time for any kid and he thought it was quite an adventure. Each time he saw something shiny he would say "I wish we could dig that one out. We could be millionaires". I would just agree and did not know how to tell him that copper did not have that high of a price per pound.

As with every tour, they all come to an end and always leave you wondering about the area they did not take you into. What would you find there? This mine was abandoned because the type of copper it held was very hard and difficult to remove. A profit was hard to come by. It left many a miner discouraged and broke. 

There is something else I like to dig into and extract every bit of what it has to offer. I like to mine my way into and through God's Word. There are precious words of peace, hope, happiness, and instructions. Like other mine tours, it always leaves you wanting more, but it never closes and is open to you 24 hours a day. The more you dig, the more you are enlightened. Old mines are very dark, but God's mine enlightens hearts and souls. I invite you to experience the Word of God and mine away the  precious words stored there just for you. It will never leave you discouraged. 

Think about it and dig in!


Tuesday, August 2, 2022

A Little Taste Of Italy On Our Table 8/2/2022

 Good Morning,

I started this day with prayer and a large mug of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee. It is time to write and I am glad to be here.

We have a family gathering that will take place in exactly a month. The event will take place at our home and I can tell that my wife is looking forward to it. Since I do all of the cooking, I usually plan the menu out and just run it by her for a yay or nay. While working together  in the garden last night I did just as I said. I laid out my menu ideas and Rene was quiet and I did not get the approval or disapproval I was looking for. 

Gnocchi with Pesto sauce. Photo credit Taste Of Home. 

A little later she commented that it would be nice if the menu were more of a buffet style with options. Of course she added "unless that is too much work". I said  that I would get back to her. She responded with "some Italian food would be nice. Can you make that work with smoked meats and other dishes?" I at first thought she was asking for too much and decided to pray about it. Then it dawned on me. She wants this to be a great day, not just a good day, but great. Her Mom just turned 95 years old and this year has been difficult on her to say the least. Her mom likes choices at a meal and enjoys a little bit of many things. Rene is not taking another year for granted. 

I believe at times Rene is much wiser than she seems. I said, "as long as you clean up behind me, you shall have a feast". She replied "don't I always?"

Hebrews 13:16 And do not take things for granted. Do good and share with others. For with such sacrifices God is well pleased. 

We should never take another year for granted. We should always live like there might not be another tomorrow let alone a whole year. Celebrate life with feasts when you can. The food at funerals is never that good.


Monday, August 1, 2022

Splitting Wood For Winter 8/1/2022

 Good Morning,

I am enjoying a great cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee as I sit down to write. It is a little bit overcast this morning but there is sunshine in my heart. 

Proverbs 6:8 Look at the ant. It has no commander, yet it stores up provisions in the summer, and has food for the winter. 

Last week I had to make a trip to our town dump and I must say the word dump does not do it justice. You might picture in your mind mounds of garbage, piles of junk and yard refuse just tossed at will. This is far from the truth of our dump. It is kept neat, clean, and organized. The staff in charge of "the dump" do a great job of making sure that getting rid of your refuse is as pleasant as that chore can be. One other benefit to the dump is that you can cut down a tree and dispose of the sticks, branches, and logs in an orderly fashion. The other benefit to that is that they allow others to take the usable firewood home for burning. We have the luxury of having a fireplace in our home that can burn wood and it also has the capabilities of distributing heat within the house. There have been plenty of cold days and nights when a fire lit in the hearth has kept us content and warm. I also save the scrap wood to burn outside for an occasional bonfire. 

Back to my trip to the dump. I already have our dried firewood cut and split for this winter. Now I have begun collecting wood and started cutting it and splitting it at a slow pace for the following winter. I try to be a year ahead in case something happens and I am unable to find wood or am not in a physical condition to cut and split the wood. So while at the dump last week in the area of free firewood there were some logs just the right size for hauling home. They need very little cutting to make them the right size for the hearth and not too much splitting is needed. It was a great day in free firewood land!

My point is this for today. We don't know what the future holds. But it is still wise to plan ahead and store up for the days to come. Who knows? One winter from now might find me unable physically to cut and split the wood. But I should have cut and split enough to be a year ahead. Thus keeping us warm and content through a cold, snowy winter.

Last night I decided to split some of the wood and pile it to dry. It gave me pleasure to do so. I counted the benefits of the wood.

1. God blessed us with free firewood.

2. It sure gave me some good exercise as I swung the axe and sledge hammer.

3. My wife remarked how much seeing me prepare to take care of our needs makes her feel safe and content. 

4. Being outside and alone at work with the two dogs watching me, afforded me some time to pray and enjoy the sunset.

The wood that was collected and cut accomplished a lot even before being burned.

Friends, plan ahead and always enjoy the fruit of your work.

God bless,
