Thursday, October 7, 2021

Why Do I Go To Church ?

 Good Morning,

It is a great day to be alive. I am happy to have poured a large cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee for myself and now it is time to write.

Philippians 2:4 Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. 

People ask me why I attend church and they are usually surprised by my answer. A standard answer from many people might be that they come to worship with others. They might say that church attendance fulfills a sense of belonging. Some come for the music and the preaching. They long to be fed the Word. Some will remind us that gathering together is Scriptural. 

I usually try to avoid answering the question on why I attend church, or belong to a church. I learned a long time ago that if I were to attend, join, or worship in a particular church I had to drop the words I and me from my vocabulary. The reason I walk into the doors of our church has nothing to do with me. I come to serve wherever I can. For instance if someone else is preaching and I am in attendance I pray during the sermon for the speaker. There is nothing worse than going blank when you are about to say something. Trust me, it happens. I look around the auditorium or sanctuary and pray for those sitting alone. I listen to others and pray with them before and after the service. And while I am sitting there praying for others to find what they need if I am warmed or touched by the message, it is a bonus. I never attend anywhere demanding in my heart and mind to be spiritually fed. It just cannot be made to be about me. I take part in the fellowship but am always willing to do my part that others might enjoy. 

I am not bragging on what I do. Don't go there. I am saying that many folks come to church expecting the sermon to be just what they needed. They don't care that the message was for someone else. There have been times when I finished listening to a sermon that I thanked God and said "thank You. I am glad I didn't need that one". What happens when we make it all about ourselves, we become unhappy and growl about the lighting, music or the sermon. You then find, sooner or later that you have attended more churches than you realize and you have become a " "church hopper." If it isn't your way you complain until you hit the highway and go elsewhere. 

Food for thought!


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