Saturday, October 16, 2021

A Guy To Be Counted On. God Does Work In Mysterious Ways. 10/16/2021

 Good Morning,

The Door County Highlander Grog Coffee is warming me up as I write and this Saturday has begun. 

I believe everyone knows that the phrase "God works in mysterious ways" is not found in the Bible. The idea comes from the Bible, but actually came from a hymn written by the poet William Cowper in 1774. The idea for the statement probably came from Psalm 77:19

Psalm 77:19 Your path led through the sea, your way through the mighty waters, though your footprints were not seen. 

I believe that God does work in ways that cannot be explained. Let me tell you about a "Guy". 

Yesterday our Men's ministry held a chili feed and a hayride event. I want to commend all of those who made chili, and those who attended. I had plenty of help cleaning up afterwards. As with most events we do, I always find out that I missed something or needed something. Yesterday was a perfect example. We had planned that two of us men would go out and set up the food and get it started to  be hot at serving time. Hot chocolate, apple cider and chili needed to be heated up. Earlier in the week, my usual right hand man was laid ill and then he received a job interview for yesterday.  This job interview is an answer to long standing prayers. God was a at work. Between the two of us we decided that I should be able to plug in some electric roasters and boil water and cider. God knew better. 

I received a text message from a man asking if I could use some help setting up. My pride almost got in the way and I was going to say no thanks. But for some reason I said "sure" . This guy showed up, and began to work immediately. Then we had an electrical issue or forty and our electric roasters were too much for the power system and it looked like we were going to have to heat the stuff on a camp stove. This guy worked with the ranch staff tirelessly and solved the problem and things went into motion and no one knew the real story. God was working on what I would need before I even knew I needed it. This was God's event, not mine. Many people prayed about the event, but without this one guy, I would have been in the middle of a disaster. 

Let me tell you this. God knew the right guy. God knew I would need the guy. The guy answered God's call.  Most of you will never meet this guy. But this guy stood in the gap. And I am thankful God sent this guy, named Ray! He also sent a lady named Karen. 

God does work in mysterious ways. 


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