Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Not Good 10/12/2021

 Good Morning,

I am beginning this day with a heavy heart, prayer and some Door County Morning Blend Coffee. 

Isaiah 33:3 Call out to me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, that you do not know. 

In my travels recently, I encountered a very ill little boy and I was made aware of his story and it hit me hard. The little boy is suffering from cancer and is full of infection. Worse yet, he was abandoned by any family at all. I was made aware by a friend that he does have foster care. Foster care is all he has and my hat goes off to those who volunteer to do these acts of kindness to the least of these. He will snuggle a replacement mom, yet not feel his own mother's arms around him. 

This bothered me all last night and I found very little peace about the situation. I asked God if there was anything we could do. I am reaching out to the foster family today to see if they need any help with this little guy. I am sure politics and red tape will keep us from assisting. My wife Rene seconded the idea with "do whatever God leads you to do". Right now we are praying for his health and for the foster family. I will see what God has in store. 

I have no point to share today except this. Do what you can, when you can, for others. Don't let your mind set limits. Dream big and pray big. Let your heart destroy the limits of your mind. 

God bless,


1 comment:

  1. NOTHING IS TOO BIG FOR GOD!! I'm praying for the touch of Jesus on this child. That God would not only heal him physically, but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. That Jesus would claim this child as His and break off the grip of the devil. Wisdom for the doctors and the foster parents. That the power of the love from the body of Christ would flow to this one so strongly that it cannot be contained. Let us not forget the power of love and prayer that can heal everything. God bring your mercy on this child. In the mighty name of Jesus, Lord of all,in your precious power of the blood.
