Tuesday, December 1, 2020

The First Day Of December 12/1/2020

 Good Morning,

The house is cold this morning and I am feeling it slowly warm up as the fire crackles in the fireplace. I started this first day in December with prayer, and a hot mug of Door County Mistletoe Mocha Coffee. My thoughts on this is "Let It Snow".

Philippians 4:6-7  6. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, make your requests be made known to God, 7. and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. 

My wife Rene and I take turns calling her mom every day so she can hear from someone. The covid "stay at home" mode that we are in sure has curtailed mother's ability to get out and about. At 93 years old she still lives in her house that my father in law and her built before the kids were born. She can still driver her car  and does very well with baking and household chores, except for the laundry. When the home was built, the pitch on the stairs was made more like the pitch would be on a ladder than anything. It is a steep incline for sure. Unfortunately that is where the washer and dryer are. So right now my wife's brother does the laundry for mother. She won't allow us to move the washer and dryer to the first floor into a spare room, nor does she want us to change anything on the pitch of the stairs. I believe she just couldn't take seeing the house changed in any way after all these years.

Without saying it we have also limited visiting with her. My wife's brother is the only one going in and out now. For her protection from the virus we have chosen to play it extremely safe.

In our conversation last night she remarked that it will be a year since she was in a store or went to breakfast with her lady friends. She misses going to church and well, online doesn't work for this grandmother. She listens to church services on the radio every Sunday, We tried to laugh it off a little but I could tell that she has had enough of being kept prisoner in her home.  She remarked that if the covid crisis ended tomorrow and it was in the middle of a snow storm she would bundle up and walk or crawl to Walmart. We both laughed and I assured her that once she is vaccinated the first place we will take her is to church, breakfast afterwards, and finish the day with shopping.  Take out fish fries aren't the same and that was one of the other things she mentioned. We will celebrate being able to dine out with her at her favorite spot for fish. 

So today as I prayed I prayed for the solution to covid. I am sure that millions around the world have prayed the same today. Let this be the last December 1st that so many have to live in fear and so many cannot visit their families. Let's make this our December prayer.

God bless,



  1. I hope that she is with you for many more years!

    1. Thank you. She is a pleasure to have as a mother in law.
